Day 4- Let's walk (part 1)

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Warning! Contains: Swearing, mention of death

(May 12th, 06:00)


I woke up, a smile tugging at my lips the moment I saw Aang ahead of me. His arms were wrapped around my waist, and his chin was on my head. I grinned wildly, my face leaning back, my lips capturing his, watching as he kissed me back slowly. 

"Good morning," he whispered, breaking off, smiling as I turned around to face him. I grinned, holding his hand by my waist, giving his cheek a small peck. "Good morning, sweetie." He smiled, pecking my cheek back, his hand brushing my hair out of my face. "Is your stutter gone?" I nodded, squeezing his hand. "Completely, thanks to El for cleaning out my cut last night." 

"Morning, Kat," Suki said, walking by. I turned to Aang, my eyes wide, my breathing quick. I thought I told him to tell them about that... "Shit," she whispered, "I meant Tara. Don't worry, he told us. My mind isn't working this early right now." 

I sighed, leaning my head on his chest as his hand rubbed my back, a small laugh escaping his lips. "Don't worry, love, I told them yesterday." I smiled, leaning up to give him a small peck before we finally broke off and got up. 

"Okay," I said, "who's up for the Jasmine Dragon?" Sokka shrugged. "We've all got meetings. Well, Zuko, Aang and I do. Not you guys. Now that we know the whole FNMHH could be empty, Azula probably already got Ozai out of prison, and they're probably here to raid us and kill Aang or Zuko. Or you." 

"And if none of the men can go, then neither can you girls," Zuko said, making a fire with a few pieces of woof in the middle of the igloo. I rolled my eyes, "like hell we can't. Just watch us." He scoffed as Mai walked over and flicked him in the forehead. "Shut up, Zuko. I can fight better than you and Sokka combined." 

"Not me?" Aang asked, bringing over a cup of water to me and leaving it in my hand. I raised my eyebrow, but he just nodded at the cup, causing me to smile lightly and take a sip. "No," Mai replied. "I'm also smarter than Zuko and Sokka combined. I know damn well I can't beat the Avatar." 

"Psh, he's not all that," Toph scoffed, turning to us. "Throw a few rocks at him and he's down. If you trick him into actually hurting you he'll stop the fight and check on you, so you can just knee him and he's done."

"How do you know that?" I asked, the cup of water slowly going down to my lap as I sat up straight on the bed, my legs swinging off the side gently. "Cuz," Toph said. Aang rolled his eyes as he leaned down to kiss my forehead. "She's tried it before." He glared at her. "Thinks she so slick." 

"I am slick. You fell for it and I kneed you right in the-" 

"Shut up," I complained, throwing more ice under her feet. She slipped, scowling at me at she tried making a rock, before realizing where she was and that there was no earth here. I laughed a little, seeing Aang smile and help her out, moving the ice away. 

"You're still not going anywhere without the three of us," Sokka said, a smile on his face as he walked over and kissed the top of my head. I groaned, a small smile curling on my lips. "Yeah, I don't care what you say, Sokka." 

"Well, you care what I say, my love," Aang said, holding my hand to his chest, "and I'm not letting you go. You can't get hurt anymore, darling." I groaned, flopping down on the bed. "And she won't," Suki comforted, walking out to us. "She'll be completely safe. It's the Jasmine Dragon, Aang. We have Iroh, Toph can see, and the rest of us. Plus," she turned to Sokka, handing him a towel, "we're more mature than the three of you." 

"No," Zuko said, turning to her, handing her the towel Sokka had just used to clean up the water he spilled on the wood table. "You're not going. We'll be back at sundown. We have to finalize these meetings." 

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