Day 3- Lightning and Thunder (part 5)

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Warning! Contains: Mention of crying, love, hate, oogies, kidnapping, swearing, etc etc

(May 11th, 13:30)


"Where the hell am I?" I shouted, my hands on the bars in front of me. I knew I was in a metal box, much like the ones Toph and I were once in except this one had bars on the inside and another cage in front of me, looking like it was for another person, but there was no one there.  

I sighed, sitting down on the cold metal floor, knowing I was at least a few hundred feet up from the nearest floor. If not, a thousand. My eyes started to water as I shook my head, laying it in my hands as my bare back touched the metal. My robes had been thrown away and I was left with some simple cloth hanging around my waist, for whatever reason. 

Is Katara okay? That was the only thought running through my head. Going through with Sokka to this damn meeting meant I had to leave her, and now I'm being kidnapped God knows where by fucking Azula. Azula! She killed me!

"Oh, hello, Avatar," a shrill voice came from under me. "It's a pleasure to see you're finally awake. It would be such a tragedy if the drug I gave you... ended your reign." My eyes widened as I scrambled to my knees, looking through the tiniest of holes on the bottom of the box to see Azula there, smirking. I removed my eye, knowing she would probably shoot an arrow at me, and sat back down. 

"What do you want from me? And who are you?" I was playing dumb. She can't know that peephole exists or else she'll send poisonous gasses through. I know this girl. "I swear on my past lives, I will end you." I heard a knuckle crack. "Oh, but you won't, will you?" 

"Who's there?" I faked again, my voice stern. "You mean you haven't guessed?" I rolled my eyes at her voice. "You don't see the family resemblance?" I groaned internally at this. She's so dumb. "Azula?" I heard a shrill laugh. "Yes, Avatar, you remembered. I would do another impression of Zuzu, but I'm not on your side." Her voice sharpened at the end, and I had a weird feeling she was glaring at the cage. 

"Let me the fuck out of here, Azula. I don't know how or when you escaped the damn FNMHH, but I'm going to send you back there." I let a small gulp follow through my throat as she hissed. "Oh, ad why the FNMHH? why not just jail directly? Come on, Avatar, I know there's a secret lingering inside of you and I'm itching to figure it out." 

A horrifying thought ran through my head. My eyes widened as I tried pulling at my hair, only to realize that I was bald and started scratching at my scalp. "Azula, where the fuck are my friends?" I heard a small groan. 

"I don't have them," she quickly replied. "I only need you. I just want the answer to this one question, Avatar, and you won't even give it to me?" I rolled my eyes. "I don't believe you for a second. Where the fuck are my friends, Azula." 

She sighed. "I swear I don't have them! I'll let you down if you just fucking believe me, alright!" I sighed, bitting my tongue. "Alright," I choked out, "I fucking believe you. Let me out of here, ask me the damn question, and let me go. I want nothing to do with you, Azula." She sighed, and I heard a shrill squeak of shoes. 

"I don't have the keys," she quickly said. "And even if I did, I couldn't get up there." I groaned loudly. This isn't going to end well. 

I cracked my knuckles, letting out a deep breath and getting ready. I haven't bent in a while, I should probably practice before I do this, but oh well- who cares? My elbows jutted back into the metal behind me, denting it lightly. I grunted and let out another breath. 

"What the fuck are you doing, Avatar-" 

I turned around, pushing the metal with my hands, trying to find the seam. Once I did, I ripped it apart, smiling lightly as I jumped from the metal box to the floor under me. I was in the Earth Rumble place, the place I was in when Toph and I were kidnapped that one day. 

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