Chapter 18.1

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Chapter eighteen
I decided that laying in bed all day was the best option. I had texted Eliot a million times and called him an equal amount. He didn't answer a single one of them. I knew he read my text though, thanks to read receipts.

I checked my phone again, still nothing. I groaned and slammed my phone down. Why won't he answer me? I yanked my blanket over me and rolled up into a ball.
"I take it he still won't reply?" Lucas questioned.

Lucas, being the loving brother that he was, decided I couldn't spend the entire day in bed alone. He dragged a fluffy chair into my room and set up a station for himself in the corner. We've been watching movies and eating popcorn since sunrise.

I didn't want to seem like a complete slob so when I woke up I decided to shower and do the usual hygiene routine one would do. I even changed into my cute sweatpants and a tight crop top, by far the nicest outfit I'd ever wear on a Sunday. As soon as I finished getting ready, I crawled right back into bed. I was living the dream..., not.

"No! He keeps leaving me on read," I complained.

"You never even told me what happened," Lucas commented.

I had been too embarrassed to tell him before. I felt bad now because he's been sitting with me all day. I sighed, "Okay, well," I started by telling him about how I lied about everything and then about the kiss.

Lucas simply stared at me, "You really had no idea that Eliot liked you?"

I shook my head.

"Literally everyone knew that. How could you not tell?"

I pouted and shifted so I was laying on my back, "You know, this isn't making me feel any better,"

Lucas chuckled at my idiocy, "Okay, okay, so why did you lie to him?"

I pressed my hands against my forehead, "I don't know. I was scared he would get mad,"

"And why would he get mad?"

"Because he doesn't like Caleb,"

Lucas took a moment to think, rubbing his chin as if he actually had a beard, "But you do?"

My forehead creased, "I what?"

"You like Caleb?"

How many times were people going to ask me this? "Yes," I mumbled so that he couldn't hear me.

"What was that?"

"Yes," I replied a bit more clearly.

Lucas put his hand up to his ear, "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you,"

I glared at him, "Fine! Okay, I like him, a lot. Are you happy now?"

Lucas held his chin up as if he were trying not to drop his crown. "Very," he patted himself on the back.

I muttered random insults under my breath, "Annoying,"

"I heard that! Okay, but moving on, I'm sure Eliot will forgive you in time. You guys have been best friends since middle school. Just give him some space and then apologize. I'm sure everything will be okay. As for Caleb, tell him how you feel,"

I shook my head furiously and stared at Lucas as if he had just told me to breathe underwater, "No way! It's not like I have a chance anyway. Even if by some weird miracle Caleb likes me back it wouldn't matter. He doesn't date. He says love never lasts,"

Lucas raised one eyebrow, "Cynical," he muttered. He sat up straighter, "Okay, well, what about me and Allyson, or Evan and Natalie?"

I sighed, "He said you guys were the exception,"

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