Chapter four

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Chapter Four
The sound of my alarm woke me up the next morning. I only got about an hour of sleep last night thanks to Caleb. I flopped out of bed still half asleep and made my way over to the bathroom, which was far too small to share with my annoying older brother. The bathroom was also hot pink with Disney Princess shower curtains, a princess soap dispenser, and a narwhal very poorly painted on the wall, all courtesy of my little sister. None of us had the heart to remodel it after she died.
I ran a brush through my hair and threw on the outfit Vikki picked for me. I looked in the mirror. My eyes had huge bags underneath them and appeared sunken in. My lips were dry and crusty and my hair was a complete mess.

I ignored my horrid appearance and I slipped on my combat boots. I never went anywhere without my combat boots. I swung my bag over my shoulder and headed out to Vikki's car.

"Woah what happened to you?" She questioned noticing my sluggish appearance.

"Caleb happened," I replied angrily.
"Oh no, what happened after we finished talking last night?" She didn't seem very concerned for my well being, she was more amused than anything.

"He was blasting his music at three in the morning and then proceeded to look through my stuff,"

I rested my head against the window, my head was pounding, "Wait, how was he going through your stuff?" Her face lit up as she realized, "Oh my gosh! Was he in your room?"

She seemed too excited about this, I opened one eye and glared at her, "Yes he was in my room and it was horrible!" I closed my eye again and rested on the window.

She paused for a second, gesturing loudly with her hands. "You mean you had a hot boy in your room, in the middle of the night!"

"That's not the point!" I gently slapped her arm.

"Um, that is always the point," she laughed, "okay okay, I wanna hear the whole story from the beginning,"

I groaned but complied anyway. I started by explaining what I had already told her over text. I then went into what happened after that. She seemed a bit shocked. "You threw his speaker off the roof?"

"Okay, maybe not my smartest move but he was being annoying!"

"Are you kidding me, that was rebellious, I love it!"

We pulled into the school parking lot before I could get to the part about my sister. I hadn't really wanted to explain that part. We stepped out of the car and she jumped in excitement, "I can't believe you had Caleb Hunter in your bedroom,"

"Trust me I would love to forget it. That guy is a douche," I massaged my head.
I jumped at the sound of Caleb's voice, "Glad to hear you think so highly of me, speaker killer,"

"Oh would you look at that, it's a shiny car," Vikki tried to make a casual exit, leaving me alone with Caleb.

I looked at her in despair hoping she would come back. Don't leave me alone with this guy. I reached my hand out after her as she walked away. Come back.
"Come on, I don't bite," he joked, noticing my stiff appearance.

"Yeah but I might," I muttered, turning to face him.

We began to walk to the entrance of the building. "Wow so first you wreck my speaker and now you're gonna bite me?" He paused, "Actually, I'd be into that," he said casually, as casual as one can be, pinning me against the wall to where he was basically pressed against me. My cheeks flamed up from the proximity. He laughed and started to walk away. I quickly ran after him. "I really do have an effect on you, don't I Scarlet?"

I scrunched my eyebrows. "Well I'm sorry it's hard not to react when someone is this close," I gestured with my hands, "from you,"

"Oh please Love, we both know you want a piece of this," he gestured down his body.

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