The Proposal

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Here's the bonus chapter, as promised. And don't forget, this book is available on Amazon for those who want a hard copy, or are interested in seeing more bonus chapters.

The proposal
"Love, Truth or dare?" Caleb asked me as he wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin in the drool of his neck.

"Dare," I answered, checking my dress out in the mirror. This must have been the tenth dress I'd tried on so far. I wanted to look perfect for graduation.

I mean sure my dress would be covered by my gown but you never know what could happen. I had to spend twenty minutes explaining this to Caleb who clearly did not understand.

We've been together for almost two years now. I had to say it was a lot harder after he graduated but he drove back from college every weekend to see me and his family. Thankfully his school ended three weeks before mine, so I've spent the entirety of the last three weeks with him.

"I dare you to wear the cap I decorated," he smirked, kissing me softly on the cheek.

I spun around in his arms, resting my hands on his chest. "What?"

He could not be serious. I couldn't imagine what he put on that graduation cap, probably some dirty joke or an inappropriate drawing.

He brushed his fingers through my hair, acting unusually sweet. This has to be bad if he's acting so nice.

"I decorated a cap, I want you to wear it."

"What's on it?"

He kissed me gently. "That's the fun part. It's a surprise."

"Caleb! I am not going to wear some ridiculous cap to graduation."

He might have for his graduation—he and Evan wore matching caps, you can imagine what was on them—but I most certainly would not.

"Are you turning down a dare?" His eyebrow shot up.

He's good. I rested my hands on my hips. "I hate you." I held my hand out. "Give me the cap."

He grinned from ear to ear, kissing me quickly. "I love you too." He ran back to his bag, pulling out the dark blue cap. "You're not allowed to know what it says until after graduation, or you'll finally have lost a dare."

I grumbled, snatching the cap from him. "I am so going to get you back for this. You better watch your back."

He took my hand, twirling my around. "You'll look great."

Considering he decorated this thing, I doubt it.

My phone buzzed, telling me it was time to go. We were all meeting in the gym to get lined up and ready before graduation. "I've got to go," I informed Caleb as I shoved the mysterious cap into my bag. I still had to jump up on my tiptoes to kiss him, and he never lets me live it down. "I love you, I'll see you later."

"I love you too," he replied naturally, helping me with my stuff.

The place was already packed by the time I arrived, dressed and ready. Vikki greeted me, her blue gown nearly tripping her as she ran. "We're graduating!" She threw her arms around me.

Allyson was only seconds behind her.

The two of them tipped their caps towards me, revealing how they'd each decided to design them. Allyson's had been covered in flowers, Vikki's, on the other hand, had made hers out to look like a murder scene with the words 'barely made it out alive' splattered across the top in blood.

"Your turn!" They both cheered practically bouncing in excitement.

I sighed, figuring their reaction would tell me how truly terribly my cap was. I bowed, displaying the cap.

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