Chapter 16.1

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Chapter Sixteen
"I think we should do our project all about hot Latinas" Evan suggested.

Vikki and I gaped at him, "Latinas wasn't even an option. The project is supposed to be over Spanish cultures," I informed him.

"I don't know, I liked the Latinas idea," Caleb teased.

The four of us were currently deciding what to do for our Spanish project. As you could tell, it wasn't going very well. We had been arguing over what to do for the last ten minutes. Evan and Caleb kept insisting on 'hot, sexy Latina's'. They are such perverts sometimes. "I think we should do it on different dance styles," Vikki suggested.

I nodded, "I like that,"
We looked at Caleb and Evan who frowned, "I guess," they sighed simultaneously.

I closed my textbook and shoved it in my bag along with my laptop, "Great because the bell is about to ring," I informed them.

We had just spent fifteen minutes deciding what to do our project on, meanwhile, the other groups had already started their presentation.

The four of us rushed to shove our things into our bags. None of us made it because the bell rang a few seconds later and we were still cleaning up. I chucked the random items in my bag, leaving my bag a jumbled mess. I was pretty sure I stole at least three things from Caleb by accident. For some reason, we had decided that just piling our stuff in the center of the wooden circular table was the smartest idea. We were definitely wrong. I zipped my bag and slugged it over my shoulder. Caleb, Evan, and Vikki followed shortly after.

The four of us always walked to our next classes together, it had become a routine. Evan and Vikki's next class was right next to Caleb's and mine. We headed down to the main corridor in the basement. It was by far the emptiest place in the building at this time. There weren't even any teachers there. Only a few other people stood in the hallway, including Jake, Jake's girlfriend, and Chase. Sometimes there would be random stragglers that simply came to hang out with their friends. "We're definitely gonna be late," Vikki laughed.
I nodded and shrugged, "For sure," for some reason, I wasn't as worried as I usually was.

A weird look crossed Vikki's features, "You don't seem concerned," She drew out, but it sounded more like a question than a statement.

Caleb gave me the same look as Vikki. He threw his arm around my shoulders, "Looks like someone is loosening up,"
I rolled my eyes, "We're only going to be a minute late, it's not that big of a deal,"
Vikki drew her eyebrows together, "I'm sorry, but what happened to my best friend who panicked when we were a few seconds late to being early,"

She was exaggerating, sort of. I may have done that a few times, but only a few, "Maybe skipping class with Caleb and me loosened her up," Evan joined in.

"You guys are exaggerating. I wasn't that bad," I huffed.

Something quickly caught my eye. I froze dead in my tracks, stopping in the middle of the hallway. At the very end of the hall was my brother. He was standing face to face with Derrick. Both of their postures were stiff and coarse. One thing was unusual though: my brother didn't look like he was going to punch Derrick, a rare sight. Usually, he would have already taken a shot at Derrick. Lucas took any chance he could to hurt Derrick. This was different, Lucas was standing still and straight, in an attempt to stay calm. His eyes focused on the wall behind Derrick.
Derrick, on the other hand, looked the angriest I had ever seen him. He was slouched with his fist thrown up in the air. You could practically see steam puffing out of his ears. His eyebrows were drawn tightly into a line, a scowl permanently indented on his face. He was screaming at the top of his lungs, yelling profanities at Lucas. Lucas's voice was smooth and controlled as he attempted to calm Derrick.

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