Chapter 17.3

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By the morning of the last day of prank week, the score was tied. So far, Caleb and I had been handcuffed together, used blue paint as shampoo, been glued to our lunch seats, and drank vinegar instead of water.
Caleb managed to drink all of the vinegar, he must have been crazy. I could not do the same, in fact, I was throwing up in the toilet while Caleb held my hair back. He looked extremely disgusted and kept making weird faces but stayed there anyway. Why does he have to be so cute? He's making it really hard to dislike him.
We definitely exacted our revenge though. Elie almost had a heart attack when we stuck pop-it's under his toilet seat. Allyson and Lucas were not too happy when we dyed their hair pink. The good thing about Elie and Vikki being able to sleep through anything is that it makes it really easy to draw on their face. I'm sure Vikki enjoyed having a mustache for a day.

It was now Friday morning and Caleb and I were sitting on the roof, once again, discussing a plan. We needed to do a few more pranks to win. We had written down a few ideas but none of them were good enough to put us in the lead, our friends could easily retaliate any of the pranks we had come up with. "We need something good, like something that we can wait till the last minute to collect the points," I thought aloud.

Caleb was laying down next to me. His hair was a mess and, since I had just woken him up, he was only in a pair of sweats. His arm was draped across his eyes to keep the sun from getting in them. His other arm was around me as I laid beside him. My head rested on his shoulder so we both could see my phone screen, not that he was actually paying attention. Caleb was clearly still half asleep. His voice was groggy, making him sound ten times more attractive, "We could pretend we're dating," he suggested, most of his words slurring together.

My eyes practically bulged out of my head. I immediately stopped scrolling through my phone. "What?" I croaked.

Caleb rolled his head so that he was facing me, although his eyes were still closed, "We can pretend we're dating," he repeated, "And then we can wait to tell them we aren't actually dating until right before they tally the score, that way they can't retaliate,"

There was no way I could pretend to date Caleb. My heart couldn't handle that. My tombstone would read 'Lanabeth Valentine, died of a heart attack after pretending to date the hottest guy in school, RIP'. Not to mention, I would also be unable to control the amount I was blushing, I always blushed.

I turned to face him, just now realizing how close his face was to me. I could see the shadows of every contour on his face, his nose was practically pressed against mine. "I, uh," I stuttered, "I don't think, I don't think they'll believe that," I tried to cover.

His eyelashes fluttered as he opened his eyes. He stared at me in disbelief, his eyebrows drawing together, "Love, not that I mind it, but you're currently laying on me. I call you Love and we hang out all the time. I don't think we'll have trouble convincing our friends,"

He had a point. I was pretty sure they would believe me in a heartbeat. I still had to find a way to get out of this without admitting that I had feelings for Caleb and would probably die if I had to act romantic with him. "Well, it's prank week and it's hard to convince them,"

"Then we'll have to make it convincing," he closed his eyes again, pulling me closer to him.

One year Allyson and Lucas pretended that they broke up, needless to say, they pranked us all. Allyson was a great actor. There was no way I was losing this year. "I guess we're doing this," I sighed.

Caleb had been driving me to school all week just so Vikki couldn't prank me. She technically would have to get Caleb as well, but I decided not to say that, mainly because I really liked him driving me. We had just pulled into the parking lot and I was currently trying not to hyperventilate. "You ready?" He questioned me.

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