Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven
My voice was pretty much dead from all of our 'singing' by the time we got home. I don't know how Caleb and Evan do it. I was already starting to get a sore throat, but it was worth every moment.

Evan had just pulled into Caleb's and my neighborhood. We made it all the way home safely with no accidents, thankfully. We played at least ten random car games and I'm pretty sure they made four of them up, they were still entertaining.
Our houses came into view as Evan turned the corner. Evan was a very safe driver. He always had two hands on the wheel and never took his eyes off the road. He also had quick reflexes.

Caleb waited to unbuckle until the car was fully stopped. I followed suit and the three of us stepped out of the car. We walked to the trunk where Evan opened it. I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder, "Do you need help carrying the tents in?" I offered.

Caleb went to answer when something caught my eye. A young girl, about a year older than me stood on my porch. She had bangs and short, light, brown hair that fell just below her ears. Her large auburn eyes glowed with excitement. She had a full face of makeup and was wearing a striped, purple and white t-shirt with overall shorts, Her purple converse matched her outfit perfectly.

I squealed, "Natalie!"

I sprinted over to her, dropping my bag in the process. She turned to me, grinning ear to ear, "Lana!"

She opened her arms wide and I crushed her into a huge hug, nearly toppling the two of us over. We giggled at our chaos and broke the hug, holding each other's shoulders, "It's been so long!" I bubbled.
"I know, I've missed you," she cupped my face with both hands.

Evan and Caleb approached beside us. Evan was carrying all the tents while Caleb held all of our bags, including mine. Oops. I gave Caleb an apologetic smile. He shrugged as if to say it was okay.

Evan stared at Natalie like she was the only person there, his eyes filled with lust. Natalie had a similar look. I stared between the two, one eyebrow raised. Caleb did the same. "Natalie?" Evan breathed.

She was finally pulled out of her daze. She laughed and approached him for a hug, "Evan!"

"Wait, the Evan?" I questioned.

"Wait, the Natalie?" Caleb asked at the same time I did.

They didn't answer us and instead seemed entranced by each other. I had heard a lot about Evan. They met at a summer camp when they were eight. They've spent every summer together at camp since. Natalie said she fell in love with him but didn't think it would work because of the distance. Natalie lived in California which was quite a way away. They decided to wait till after high school to date.

Natalie was my best friend and had been ever since we were babies. My mom had been best friends with her mom since high school. Natalie and I basically grew up together. We stayed friends even after she moved away. We talked on the phone every night. I told her everything. She visited frequently and on almost all holidays.

Natalie had mentioned how Evan lived around me but they could never meet up when she was here because he visited his family in Ohio on holidays. I never realized this was the Evan she was talking about.

Natalie turned to me, "Why didn't you tell me you knew Evan?" She interrogated.
I shrugged, "Because I didn't know I knew your Evan,"

She blushed at the words 'your Evan'. I refrained from laughing for her sake, "You didn't even introduce me to your other friend here," she gestured to Caleb.
I glanced at Caleb before turning back to Natalie, "Oh this is Caleb,"

"And why are you both wet?" she smirked.
I froze. What was I supposed to answer? Apparently, I didn't have to worry about that because Caleb answered for me, "Scarlett's always wet when she's around me. Isn't that right Love?"

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