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Caleb rubbed the back of my hand. "Will you teach me the dance?"

I opened my eyes slowly. His eyes were already staring back at me. They were far more vibrant than they had been before. "What?" I asked, giving him a smile.

"Will you teach me the dance for the party?"

I gave him a questioning look, "Now? On the roof? In the middle of the night?"

He nodded like it was the most normal thing in the world. I glanced around before turning my attention back to him. "I guess,"

He grinned before jumping to his feet. He held out his hand for me. I took it and stood up myself. He rested his other hand on my waist as I put mine on his shoulder. Our joined hands were held out slightly. "Okay, so first I'll step forward and you'll step back," I instructed.

I counted back from three and we attempted the first step. Caleb moved the wrong foot back, causing me to stumble. I came crashing into his chest as I lost my balance. Caleb was quick to grab me before we both went down. He rested his hands on my waist to steady me and gave me a sheepish smile, "Sorry,"

I giggled and readjusted our position so that we could try the step again. "Okay move your other foot back. One, two, three,"

My foot placed nicely in the spot where his once was. I brought my foot back to standing position. "Ah, we did it!" I cheered.

Caleb grinned.

"Okay, this is next," I began, "We're gonna step to the left and then you'll spin me,"

We stepped left and I spun out. I turned back in so that my back was pressed against his chest. My hand crossed over my waist and held his other hand. We swayed slightly. A drop of water hit my cheek. I pulled my hand from his to wipe my face. Another drop hit meit, and another, and another. Before I knew it, it was pouring. A small squeal escaped my lips as we quickly became drenched. I turned to rush inside but Caleb pulled me back, "Where are you going?"

"Inside! It's raining," I scrunched my nose as the rain hit it.

He smiled, showing off his exceptionally white teeth, "It's just a little rain, Love. Don't tell me you're going to melt?"

I shoved his shoulder lightly, "You're so annoying," I shook my head. I can't believe I'm doing this.

"So what's the next step?" He questioned me.

I returned back to my prior spot, his soaking wet shirt squished as I pressed my back to it. I took his hand and spun myself out to the right. "That's it. Let's try it again,"

I never thought I would be dancing on the roof, in the middle of the night, in the rain, with Caleb Hunter. I must have run through the dance with him a hundred times. He stepped on my foot so many times and I was sure I was starting to get a bruise.

"Okay, one more time. I think I got it," he hesitated.

He said that the last seven times. I sighed, "Okay, don't forget the fifth turn!" I warned him.

The rain had slowed down and it was now sprinkling. I was completely drenched and my hair was matted in a droopy bun. The roof was a bit slick. I had slipped a couple of times; Caleb, thankfully, caught me so I wouldn't die.
Caleb's curls were stuck to his forehead in a messy, slightly adorable, way. His shirt clung to his body showing off every curve and divot of his abs. That boy looked ten times more attractive in the rain.

I took our starting position and Caleb watched his feet as he desperately tried to remember the steps. He hit the fifth turn and smoothly spun me back in. I held my breath as he attempted the last few steps. He dipped me on the final move. My eyes widened, "You did it!" I bubbled.

It All Started With A DareWhere stories live. Discover now