Chapter 19.1

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Chapter Nineteen
Vikki and Allyson nearly had a heart attack when I told them what had happened with Caleb. I called them to tell them and within minutes both of them, red in the face from sprinting, showed up at my house. They dragged me to my room and made me explain every single detail. They didn't let me leave a single part out. I had never heard two people fangirl so much. The number of squeals and dramatic sighs that could be heard from my room was unbelievable. I didn't mind though. Saying it out loud made it actually seem real. I was convinced that I was going to wake up and it would all be some sort of cruel dream.

When I woke up the next morning though, it most certainly wasn't a dream. Caleb insisted on taking me on our first official date. I informed him that our first date would forever be a tea party that a six-year-old setup, he couldn't change that fact.

Allyson and Vikki helped me get dressed for our date. They curled my hair and picked out a cute outfit. I managed to lose a bet against the two of them and now had to wear mascara for the rest of the week. Seriously, how can both of them fit their entire fist in their mouth? I'm never betting against them again. Thankfully mascara and lipgloss were the only forms of makeup they made me wear.

Caleb insisted on picking me up, even though we lived right next to each other. He came to my door and everything. He showed up at my door in a fresh pair of jeans and a t-shirt. A grey beanie was nestled on his head. He looked as attractive as ever.

He took me to a diner just outside of town. It was a small, quaint place. I adored it. The servers wore roller skates and they had the best milkshakes I'd ever had.

After that, he took me to an open field to watch the sunset. Neither of us actually paid attention to the sunset though, we were... preoccupied. I would say our first date was quite a success. Caleb even walked me to the front door when he dropped me off.

For once in my life, I wasn't completely dreading going to school. I just wished that Eliot would talk to me. I wanted to tell him about everything but, most importantly, I missed him. I missed our mid afternoon calls. It felt empty not having him call me at the exact same time every afternoon. He still wouldn't return a single text or call from me.

Eliot avoided me the entire first half of the day. It was currently the period before lunch and I hadn't seen him at all. I missed my best friend.

Caleb was holding my hand as we listened to the lecture. The teacher was saying something about the ecosystem but I wasn't really paying attention. I was too busy focusing on how to get Eliot to talk to me. He had to go through the A-wing to get to his locker. I figured if I waited there I would run into him. I wasn't sure what I would do after that but I knew I had to try something. I wasn't going to lose him forever.

I had told Caleb about my plan. He was going to come with me but I figured that might upset Eliot so I was going to have to go alone. Caleb had something to do with the soccer team before lunch anyway, so it worked out for both of us.

I jumped out of my chair the second the bell rang. I tossed my bag over my shoulder, not even bothering to zip it up. Caleb squeezed my hand, "I'm sure he'll forgive you,"

I nodded, "I hope so," I kissed him on the cheek before letting go of his hand and bolting out the door.

I practically sprinted to the A-wing. I was there in a matter of seconds. After scanning the hall once, and not spotting Eliot, I leaned against a locker. Eliot would be coming from the math wing so I faced that direction and watched. My eyes scanned the numerous people as they made their way through the hall. "Oh hey, Annabeth," Chase came to stand in front of me.

I didn't bother taking my eyes off the students, "Hey,"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chase try to find what I was staring at, "Are you looking for someone?"

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