Chapter ten

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Chapter Ten
I was not looking forward to the part of the trip when I had to sleep, in fact, I was dreading it. Caleb and Chase slept in one tent; Ethan, Jake, and Evan were in another; this put me and Vikki in the last one. I was thankful that it would be just me and her. It would be embarrassing if it wasn't.

After we got back from the hike Chase cooked the fish. I had to admit it was pretty cool to watch. He had it mastered. He took the scales off with ease.

We ate dinner at around two in the morning. That's the latest I've probably ever eaten dinner. After that, I tried to delay actually going to sleep and instead doodled in a notebook I had. When it hit four I couldn't take it anymore, my eyes grew heavy and I kept yawning. Before I knew it, I drifted off into a deep sleep, too deep.
Carolyn and I were playing hide and seek. It was my turn to find her. The two of us had made our way to the woods and it was almost impossible to find her in there, "Carolyn?" I called out.

I got no response, "Carolyn?" I tried again.

I wandered aimlessly through the woods. I couldn't spot her anywhere. "Carolyn? I give up, where are you?" I yelled out.
There was still no response. I wandered until I found myself at a creek. I squatted down and swooshed my hand around in the water, a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips.
My strapless baby blue dress revealed my shoulders which were bare and clean, not a single scar. My hair had been pulled back into a high ponytail with two front pieces pulled out, framing my face. I couldn't have been much older than fourteen.

I continued playing with the water until something strange happened: deep crimson streaks floated through the water. I jerked my hand back, quickly turning to run the other way. I collided with someone, a small scream escaped my lips. I crashed down on the ground, my eyes still closed, "Geez Carolyn, you scared me half to death," I laughed.
I opened my eyes and got up. Carolyn stood in front of me. Her bright yellow dress was now torn and covered in dirt and blood. A huge gash spread across her face, blood trickled down making its way into her eye. Her arm dangled aimlessly beside her, bent backward. Her leg was in a similar position.

She limped towards me, dragging her injured leg. Her head twitched. I backed away, "Carolyn!" I screamed, "What happened?" That was all I could manage to say.

Her lip quivered, "You didn't save me," she cried, "You were supposed to save me,"

My eyes watered, "I tried, I couldn't," I defended.

She kept moving closer to me, bloody tears streaming down her face, "You were supposed to save me," her face suddenly morphed into that of anger, "You promised!" She screamed.

I tried backing away further but tripped and fell on my back. She came to stand above me, "You didn't save me! You said it would all be okay. Why didn't you save me?" She yelled.

I shook my head, "I tried! I tried so hard. I couldn't do anything, you were already dead. I tried to save you. I wanted to save you,"

She jabbed a finger into my chest and scowled, "It should have been you, after all, he was your boyfriend. He was going to text you. It was your fault he wasn't paying attention. I had so much to live for. You took that away!"

I bolted up from my sleep, panting heavily in an attempt to calm myself. I clutched my head as tears stung my eyes. 'It was just a dream. It was just a dream,' I repeated it over and over in my head.

Vikki stirred beside me. I covered my mouth and choked back my tears, trying not to wake her. I failed, as usual. Vikki slowly opened her eyes, "What happened?" Her voice was groggy.

"Nothing," I whimpered, "Go back to sleep,"

She sat up in her spot, "It's not nothing. Did you have another nightmare?"

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