Chapter 19.2

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I must have called Caleb a million times. I texted him just as many times. I even sat on his roof by his room all day but he never came out. I tried going over to his house but his mother sent me home claiming that he wasn't there. I knew he was home because I could hear the music blasting inside. He wouldn't talk to me. Vikki texted him, Allyson called him, he wouldn't answer. There was nothing I could do to get him to talk to me. I was never going to get the chance to tell him that I didn't cheat on him, that I would never do that to him. It's been four days and I still haven't seen him or talked to him.

And now we are back to the beginning of our story. I'm sitting on my bed bawling my eyes out on my bed. I have mascara streaming down my face, my eyes are red and puffy, I can't breathe, and it feels like my heart is physically breaking inside. I am looking at sad crush quotes with depressing music blasting in the background.

I haven't moved all day and I skipped the last few days of school. Allyson and Vikki are heavily concerned for me. They assure me that they will come over later and check on me throughout the day.

I probably smell horrendous, as I haven't showered or brushed my hair. I haven't brushed my teeth or changed my clothes. I have already eaten a pint of ice cream and now knew every single word to every single song on my breakup playlist, as it has been playing for sixteen hours straight. I also haven't slept in two days. I've cried so much I am pretty sure I'm becoming dehydrated. I am a mess, to say the least.

I'm currently watching a sad romance movie and am at the scene where the main love interest dies, making me cry even more. I have my blanket wrapped around me so that I am a cocoon. I don't plan on leaving my bed all day, aside from getting food, and by food, I mean junk food.

My phone rings beside me. Vikki's name flashes on the screen. I hit accept, "Hello," my voice lacks emotion.

"How are you holding up?" Vikki worries.
Vikki got over her breakup with Chase fairly easily. She convinced herself that he was like every other douchebag that she's dated. This wasn't the first time Vikki has been cheated on.

"Well, I just ate enough popcorn for a family of three, so I'd say I'm doing pretty swell,"

Vikki sighs, "Annabeth, you can't just sit in bed all day and eat your feelings away,"
I grumble, "It's working for me so far,"
"It's not healthy for you. Come on, you weren't like this when you and Derrick broke up,"

"This is completely different from when Derrick and I broke up. First off, I broke up with him. Second, I was in the hospital, so it was kind of hard to mope. Third, my sister had just died and he was the reason. And fourth," I paused. I knew exactly what I was going to say: and fourth, I had Eliot. He stood by me through the whole thing and never left me alone.


I shake my head, "I've got to do something, I'll call you later,"

"Wait, what? What are you doing? Does it involve getting out of bed?"

"Yes," with that, I hang up the phone.
I quickly run a brush through my hair, throwing on a clean pair of clothes. I chew a piece of gum and rinse my face, spraying on a ton of perfume. Rushing to grab my coat, I bolt out the door. I am going to get my best friend back.

I found Eliot at the park sitting at the top of the slide, his feet dangling down. We used to go here all the time when we first met. It was our favorite place, special to just the two of us. I took a seat next to him. The two of us sat in complete silence, enjoying the fresh air. He didn't move away so that was a good sign. "I'm sorry, Eliot," I finally speak after a long silence.

"Elie," he corrects, "You can call me Elie,"

I grinned at him, "So, you're not mad?"

He pauses to think, "I'm not happy that you lied to me but I understand why you did it. I was kind of being a jerk to you,"

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