The beginning

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I was back on the island, and I immediately got prepared for whatever Bill was going to throw my way. I started to walk, this time along the beach, looking over my shoulder constantly. Soon enough I heard someone grumbling and kicking the water.

Bill's hair was red-tipped again, and he didn't notice me for a moment. I took the moment to observe him, noticing small things that seemed so unlike the put-together, manipulative triangle I knew. His hair was sticking up every which way, his cheeks were converted in tear tracks, his shirt was untucked and he was missing his coat. He looked so upset, but I kept my guard up, not wanting to be used like that again.

I took another step forward, and a twig shaped underneath my feet. Bill's head snapped towards me, and we both stood still for a minute, trying to gauge what the other was going to do. I noticed that the toss of Bill's hair tips slowly changed from red to blue. He broke eye contact first, looking away from me and pacing, sighing, and rubbing his hands through his hair.

It was quiet for a while longer, but then Bill looked at me, saying, "Listen (y/n), I messed up, so many times, and I know you probably won't forgive me for the things of done, but I want to try again." His words stunned me, and I felt anger boiling in my veins.

"Try again?" I questioned, "Try again! You must have a screw loose, Cipher, if you think I'm willing to fall for another of your traps again this soon." Bill looked at the ground and sighed again. "I already knew what your answer would be, why did I even try?" The was a pause before he spoke again, his voice shaking and horse. "But that doesn't change the fact that we are soul mates. I will try my hardest to regain your trust, no matter what it takes. I'll be watching over you and protecting you, (y/n), but now, it's time to wake up. I will wait for you."

As soon as he said that, the world around me became fuzzy, and I woke up in my bed, feeling more relaxed than ever...

To Cheer her up (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now