An Argument

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As I pulled away from Bill, I immediately became aware of two things. First was Bill's siblings congratulating us in varying degrees. The second was Bill's father looking ready to murder us. Bill seemed unaware of his father's glaring and looked to him in hope. "Well, do we have your blessing?" Bill's father sighed, then glared at me.

"Bill, this is a very prestigious family, you know that. We have a reputation to upkeep, and you've already damaged it majorly twice! First, not finding your soulmate by the appropriate time, then you couldn't conquer a measly ball of mud! The only way you would have my blessing would be if you and your soulmate could beat me in a duel." Venom dripped from every word he said, and I watched as Bill's hair turned entirely red, his eyes black, and his grip on me tightened to be painful.

"Fine then, Philip. If my soulmate will agree, we will fight you." His voice was deep, and crackly like an old radio, but he looked at me with his kindness and understanding. I didn't know what I would be getting myself into, but I knew that this needed to happen for me and Bill to be together. I gritted my teeth and nodded my head. Bill's smile grew unnaturally wide, and he looked back at Phillip. "We'll meet back here in a week."

"Bill, no! Both of you could get seriously hurt!" Jill was quick to our side, holding to Bill's sleeve. "She's right Bill. We all know you stand no chance of beating father." Kill was behind me, his threatening aura making me flinch away. "A-and you've searched for so l-long for her. Y-you don't want to lose now." Will held onto my sleeve as he spoke. Bill sighed, then looked at all of them with determined eyes.

"I have a plan, but I need you to help me." Bill looked at them, pulling me close to him. One by one, they all nodded their heads in agreement. Kill made sure Philip was gone before speaking. "What do you want us to do?"
Hey, lovelies! I'm a little later to this, but this book has reached 1k views! As a result, I'm letting you His decide what happens before the big battle! Will Bill and (y/n) go for a sweet date? Will they bind with others in the town? Leave your suggestions in the comments and I'll see you guys later 🤍

To Cheer her up (Bill Cipher x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora