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It had been 5 more years, so I was 26 now, and Bill and I had had our first kid. She was 4 years old now, and I had managed to get Bill to get away from naming her something that ended in ill, so her name was Celestia. Bill had always liked space and stars, and this name reminded him of it.

He was often playing with Celestia, and she was such a daddy's girl. I was currently watching from the kitchen door as he played with her. I was proud of him, he was worried he wouldn't make a good father, but he was all Celestia would need and more.

Bill looked at me mischievously, then looked at Celestia. "Hey baby, go get mommy." Celestia looked at me, then ran for me. She tracked my leg, and I feigned being knocked over, falling to the ground. Celestia giggled. "Got you, mommy!" I patted her head, giggling myself. "You sure did baby."

Bill came over and joined our little dog pile. I grunted as he landed on my stomach, then laughed as he stuck his tongue out at me. I tried to push him off, unsuccessfully. "Get off me Bill, your heavy!" Bill gasped, feigning offense. "Are you calling me fat, love?" I smirked and shook my head. "Yes, I am dearest. Now get off me." Bill laughed and stood up, talking Celestia with him.

I laughed, and got up off the floor, giving my two favorite people kisses, excited for what the future held.

To Cheer her up (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now