His Family

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"I'm sorry, your what now?" I started at Bill in disbelief. I knew Bill had a family, but whenever it was mentioned, he seemed sad, like it was a bittersweet memory. "My family, if you'll agree. It is the next ritual though." Bill fiddled with the cave he always has and looked at me nervously.

I sent him a reassuring smile. "Sure, let's go." Bill immediately relaxed and held out his hand for me to take. I took it and stood up. Bill pulled me into his chest, exclaiming, "Hold on tight, doll face." I nuzzled into him, hearing Wendy and Soos telling us to be careful before it felt like the ground beneath my feet melted away.

It only lasted a few moments before we touched down again. We were on a floating island in What appeared to be space. There were four other beings with us. Two kinda looked like Bill, just with a different color scheme, one was a female, and the fourth was older than the rest.

"Why have you called us here Bill. I told you I didn't want to see you until you found your soulmate." The oldest one glared at Bill, and Bill wrapped a protective arm around me. "I have found my soulmate. (Y/n), meet my family." He started to gesture to each as he introduced them. "My brothers, Will and Kill, My sister Jill, and my father." Will waved at me with a shy smile, Kill growled at me, Jill bounced on her heels as she enthusiastically greeted me, and bills father looked me up and down skeptically.

"If this is your soulmate, and not just some poor mortal you kidnapped, prove it." Bill's father challenged. "How?" Bill was getting nervous and squeezed my hand harder. "Have her initiate intimate affection with using your magic. I'll be able to tell if you do, so don't even try." He was arrogant and was getting on my nerves, so before Bill could say anything, I made him look at me.

I got on my tiptoes and kissed him. It was my first, so I quickly became nervous, but Bill soon kissed back, and I heard whispers in the background, not knowing what we would do after the kiss.

To Cheer her up (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now