A Rough Night

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(Y/n)'s POV
I got home a lot sooner than I thought I would and prepared myself for the glares of my siblings. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. I was greeted with a firm hand ushering me inside.

"We were starting to get worried (y/n). Are you ready for dinner?" I looked into great uncle Ford's kind eyes, sparkling with wisdom. I nodded my head, "Yeah, I'm starving." He guided me to the table, where a plate of Mac and cheese was waiting for me. I thanked great uncle Ford, then started to dig in. He sat next to me, and I debated on starting a conversation. I decided I couldn't bear the silence, and started to speak.

"Hey, great uncle Ford?" He looked at me and gave me a questioning hum through his mouthful of noodles. "I was thinking about building something while I was here, and found a nice clearing in the woods. I was thinking I could build a cabin there and was wondering if you would like to help me?"

I could see the joy spark in his eyes as he cleared his throat. "I would love to help, but I'm busy tomorrow. Maybe you could go back to the clearing and draw out what you want it to look like? Then we could make a construction plan and make a list of items we need and estimate a cost." I nodded my head excitedly. "That would be great! Thank you so much great uncle Ford!" He chuckled, and we continued to discuss plans.

After I finished, I was guided to my room, which was thankfully not the same one as my siblings. Ford bid me good night, and I quickly changed and hopped into the, surprisingly comfortable, bed. It was long before sleep overtook my senses.

(In the dreamscape)

I felt like I was on a boat, rocking gently with the waves. I struggled to open my eyes, and my limbs felt heavy. After what felt like an eternity of struggling, I managed to sit up and open my eyes. I was, in fact, on a boat, surrounded by water, and docked in a harbor on a small island that seemed to be the only land around.

I stood up, my body felt much lighter now and walked towards the island. I felt a strong presence somewhere, but I couldn't pinpoint it. I walked, expecting to reach the other side of the island, but it never came. The presence was getting stronger though.

After another minute or so, I tripped on the root of a random tree. When I got back up, I saw a rather attractive man. He was tall, with yellow hair, striking blue eyes, and a yellow and black three-price suit. He offered his hand, which I gladly took, and he pulled me onto my feet. He made sure I was steady, and then he introduced himself. "Hello (y/n), Bill Cipher at your service." He dipped and kissed my hand.

"How do you know my name?" I felt myself blush from his action but was also suspicious of him. "You gave it to me, in the clearing. Of course, then I was trapped in stone, but you managed to free me." I thought for a moment, then it dawned on me. "You're the weird statue..." He nodded his head and started to lead me somewhere.

"I have a proposition for you. You see, I am also aware of the pain of unappreciative siblings, and I have a bone to pick with pine tree and shooting star." It was pretty obvious he meant my siblings, and I knew he could tell I was questioning what he meant. "So, here's the deal. You let me get close to pine tree and shooting star, let me play with them fire a little bit, and I'll show them how great you are. Cause in the very short time I've known you, I've already found how creative, kind, energetic, and lovable you are. We just need to show them that."

He was looking at me expectantly now, but I knew he was going to hurt them, and if I let that happen, I wouldn't be able to line with myself. I clenched my fist, "No." Bill looked at me in shock, the tips of his hair turning red. "What do you mean 'no'?" His grip on my hand was getting tighter, and I had to clench my jaw to keep from screaming in pain. "I mean no, I know you want to hurt them, and I won't let that happen. They may not like me much, but they're still family, and I won't cause them any pain."

Bill was completely red now, and I felt like my hand was breaking. He was laughing. "Do you know who I am? I could turn you into stone, put you in a torturous state of mind, I could end you!" His voice increased to a volume that seemed impossible, and he continued to laugh. I couldn't move, my head felt like it was about to explode. That went on for what seemed like an eternity before I felt a sudden jerk.

I opened my eyes to see gruncle Stan shaking me awake, with great uncle Ford behind him. They both had worried expressions on their faces. My throat was sore, and I was soaked in sweat.

To Cheer her up (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now