Start building

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(Y/n)'s POV

As soon as Ford woke up, I went to show him my drawing. I gave him a moment to exam it, before asking, "Do you think we can do it?" Ford nodded his head, "Yes, I just need a little time to draw up the plans. In the meantime, why don't you and Stan go explore some more." I nodded my head, quickly getting up and helping gruncle Stan up.

We explored for a long time before the sun started setting, then made our way back to the clearing where Great uncle Ford was still working. "How're the plans coming Ford?" Stan approached with me not too far behind. Ford made a few more marks before exclaiming, "Done! Come take a look." I looked over his shoulder. "It looks like a bunch of gibberish to me..." Ford laughed, explaining that he would tell me what to do when we got started.

After another minute, we packed up and headed back to the shack. We ate a quick meal and promptly went to bed. Sleep came easily that night.

In the dream scape~~~

Everything was dark, and the landscape seemed endless. The worst part was that I was being chased by giant versions of my siblings, and they kept insulting me with deafening voices. I ran and ran but they always seemed to know where I was going, no matter how many twists and turns I made. I knew this was a dream, but I couldn't wake up no matter how hard I tried. I was about to resign myself to my fate when I tripped over something, and the fall was a lot longer than it should have been.

I kept my eyes closed, expecting to jerk awake, but of course, that didn't happen either. After what felt like forever, I was caught in someone's arms. It took me a minute of listening to my sobbing and the other person trying to calm me down before I opened my eyes. When I did open my eyes, I started freaking out again. It was Bill.

I struggled against his grip, but Bill held me tight, urging me to calm down. I fought for a few minutes, but eventually, I calmed down and weakly asked Bill what he wanted. He brushed my hair out of my face, and wiped my tears, giving me a kind smile with soft eyes, so much different from the two other versions I had seen of him.

"I wanted to get you out of that nightmare. And to see you. And to talk to you, and to hold you and shower you in affection and love and-!"

"Stop! I get it, I'll give a chance!" I interrupted Bill, then watched as his face went from shock to disbelief, to unbridled joy. He held me closer to him, and I felt a couple of wet drops fall onto my shoulder. After a moment, Bill pulled back.

"Now that you are giving me a chance, meet me in about a week in the clearing to build that cabin! Oh, and get to know Wendy and Soos, they're a riot! Now, I've gotta go talk to Sixers! See you soon (y/n)!" Bill left as he finished, and I was alone on the island, enjoying the crashing of the waves and the unfamiliar night sky.

To Cheer her up (Bill Cipher x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt