Family. Also, maybe another

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It was an ongoing process, but I was getting used to not having my biological family around. I was replacing them with my gruncles, Wendy, Soos, and Bill. Speaking of him, he had said it was almost time to do the second, of apparently three, rituals. He wouldn't tell me wasn't it was, but he was nervous, I could tell.

He was in the kitchen, nervously wringing his hands as he talked to great uncle Ford. I was sitting on the stairs, where Bill had asked me to stay. I watched from between the banisters as he ran his hands through his hair and bit his lip, almost to the point of drawing blood. I heard him sigh as Ford rested his hand on his shoulder. This was going to take a while.

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and looked up to see Wendy. "Hey, you wanna come to the front and play Jenga with me and Soos? It seems a little stressful around here." I nodded, then tried to grab Bill's attention. As soon as I had it, I motioned towards Wendy, and he nodded, signaling I could go.

I stood up and grabbed Wendy's hand. She led me to the front where Soos was finishing setting up the game. The Jenga pieces were engraved and painted with unique patterns that caught my attention. "You like the pieces? I made 'em myself!" I smiled, reaching to touch, but stopping, not wanting to knock the tower down and lose already. "That's so cool! It must have taken you forever!"

Wendy smiled and sat down, forcing me to come with her. And so, the games began.
It had been half an hour, and I had become the undefeated champion off for games. We were on the fifth game, and the bottom of the tower was down to the finish shreds. It was my turn, and I was going for the very bottom, knowing my strategy would win.

I was ready to pull it, knowing I'd have to be quick with a steady hand. I grabbed the piece, ready to win for the fifth time in a row, I almost had it, I —!

Bam! I jumped, and the whole tower came toppling down. "Dang it!" I looked and saw Bill in the doorway. "Sorry dear, but it's time."

"Time for what?" I had been dying to know all day.

"It's time for you to meet my family."

To Cheer her up (Bill Cipher x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ