Sketching the cabin and Ford's agreement

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(Y/n)'s POV
As I exited my room that morning, the delicious smell of chocolate and pancakes enveloped me. I entered the kitchen to find gruncle Stan flipping pancakes and great uncle Ford sipping some steaming drinks and reading the newspaper.

I cleared my throat, which caught their attention. "(Y/n)! How are you." Great uncle Ford greeted me with a smile, but his voice had an undertone of worry. I hesitated before responding. "Better, I think I'm doing better." I returned his smile and sat down, waiting for pancakes.

As soon as they were done, gruncle Stan set them in front of us and ruffled my hair. "Glad to hear that kiddo. So, do you have any plans for today?" I shook my head. "Well, you could finally go stretch out the cabin you want to build." I felt excitement course through me for the first time in days. I nodded my head eagerly and started scarfing down the pancakes.

After a moment I paused. "Hey, great uncle Ford, gruncle Stan? Would you like to come with me to the clearing and watch for Bill while I sketch?" Great uncle Ford smiled, and gruncle Stan responded, "Sure, I'll have Soos take over as mister mystery today, and Wendy will hold down the rest of the fort." I nodded, already really excited.

Soon, we were heading out the door towards the clearing, with pencil, paper, and laser cannons in hand. "So, what kind of cabin were you thinking of?" Great uncle Ford moved some branches out of the way for me as he spoke. "Well, what kind of budget are we working with?" Great uncle Ford smiled and said, "Whatever kind of budget you need."

I smiled, and sat down, starting to sketch what I wanted (picture above, except imagine it as a rudimentary sketch). After a few moments, I looked over at my gruncles. Stan was making a flower crown, probably something he learned from Mabel, and Ford appeared to be fast asleep. I smiled and continued to sketch.

Ford's POV

I was glad that (y/n) was feeling better, and that we could finally get started on that cabin she was so excited about, but as I watched her, I began to feel tired. I had started up late last night, experimenting with some of the metal from the UFO.

I heard Stanley trying to get my attention. I turned to him, and he told me that I should get some sleep, and he would keep watch. I nodded and laid down, sleep soon taking me.

In the dreamscape ~~~

I opened my eyes and immediately put my guard up. I was only here when Bill wanted to see me. I walked around for a bit before he showed himself. I pulled out my gun, ready to shoot, but Bill put his hands up in a sign of surrender. I put my gun down. "What do you want Cipher?"

Bill sighed, responding, "Listen sixers, I want to be with my soulmate. You probably already know this, but demons get so much more power when they and their soulmate are connected. We can't hurt them or anyone they don't want us to hurt. I want to gain her trust, but first, I need yours. I know I probably won't get it, but I want to try." We both stood quiet for a minute before I sighed.

"What if we make a deal. I'll help you get closer to (y/n), and in return, you help protect Gravity Falls and help me finish my fourth journal, which mainly focuses on demons." Bill looked at me in shock, before a smile crept on his face. It wasn't an evil smirk or an arrogant grin. It was a genuine, overjoyed smile, the first I had ever seen on him.

He extended his hand, which was now engulfed in blue flames. "We have a deal Sixers!"

As soon as we shook hands, I woke up, and (y/n) was showing her sketch to Stanley. As soon as she saw I was awake, she rushed over to it to me as well. For the first time in a long time, I was happy to work with Bill. I could tell he was sincere about taking care of and getting close to (y/n). She needed it, that much I could tell.
Hey guys! I'm back! We found one of my dad's old phones, so we are good to go! I tried to give you an extra-long chapter as a thank you for being patient with me and reading this book, it means a lot to me! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, and that is so much! Have a wonderful day!

To Cheer her up (Bill Cipher x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt