An accidental discovery

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Everything was still, then there was that tug again. I closed my eyes out of instinct again, and when I opened them, I was back in my own body, with Bill next to me on the floor. I could tell he was in shock, he was staying at me with wide eyes, saying 'no' repeatedly under his breath. Everyone was at a standstill till Ford pulled out the gun again and pointed it at Bill.

"What is going on. How did she force you out of her body?" Bill looked at the ground, completely silent, before starting to laugh. It was the kind of laugh a deranged criminal might laugh when they realize they've been trapped with no way out. It started as barely audible chuckles before it quickly escalated into almost unbearably loud cackles.

"Oh, oh this is hilarious! Is this my punishment for all my wrongs against the multiverse? A soulmate who is an impermanent flesh bag? Someone who won't even last long enough to give me an heir, or actually learn to love me? This is priceless!" By the end of his little rant, he wasn't laughing anymore, and everyone else was too shocked to speak. Tears were streaming down Bill's face as he let out a weak sigh.

I tried to reach out to him, but he smacked my hand away. "Whatever, it doesn't matter. I'm out of here." In the next moment, he was gone, teleported to who knows where. I was left with an empty feeling in my chest. The silence was deafening. Mabel was the one to break it this time.

"Well isn't this just wonderful! We don't want to deal with another summer of Bill's madness!" I clenched my first, finally done with my siblings. "Then go home."
Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a few days! I was caught up in Christmas madness and was stressed updating every day, so the publishing of this book will probably slow down. Sorry about that! It'll probably be every other day, and I'll be putting my other book on hiatus until I feel ready to tackle two books again or this one is done. Thank you for reading this far and supporting me especially @timeywimeygirl, you've inspired me to keep going! Thank you again!

To Cheer her up (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now