An unrealized mistake

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When I woke up, I didn't open my eyes. I could hear a fire crackling, and someone humming. I involuntarily groaned, and the humming stopped. I opened my eyes and propped myself up on my elbows. I saw the fire, and next to the fire was...

"Bill." He looked at me, his smile seeming impossibly wide. "So, you're finally awake, and I hope you've reconsidered my offer." I thought back to what happened with Dipper. I didn't trust myself to speak, but I knew that I still couldn't hurt them, so I shook my head no.

Bill chuckled and came closer to me. Even though every part of my body was screaming at me to get up and run, I stood my ground, glaring at Bill with all my might. He pulled up what seemed to be a holographic screen, and pulled me to my feet. "Let's see how pine tree and shooting start are now." The screen was static before it cleared up, and showed the living room in the shack.

Dipper and Mabel were in the center, surrounded by angry-looking gruncles, teenage girls, and Soos. "What do you think you were doing! There was no way she would know what set Bill free! We didn't even know if he could be freed! Now we have no idea where your sister is! She could be hurt, or worse! What were you thinking!" Great uncle Ford was on the verge of tears as he ranted. I smiled, it felt good to know at least someone cared.

Mabel rolled her eyes, and Dipper sighed. "Ever since she was six years old, she's been a pain in the butt! Clinging to us and always trying to outdo us. She always tries to copy us, and make our friends notice her. She's nothing but annoying." I felt a single tear run down my face, and Bill wiped it away. He cut the screen out.

"See, they don't care about you! They've hurt you so many times, don't you think it's time to give 'em some payback?" Bill made me look in his eyes and waited a moment. I slowly nodded my head, and Bill stepped back.

He outstretched his hand, and it was enrolled in blue flame. "So, it's a deal?" I hesitated, but took his hand and shook it. "It's a deal..."

To Cheer her up (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now