Sending Them Home

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Dipper looked at me like I was insane. "What?" I sighed, knowing this would end in another fight. "Go home. If you don't want to deal with Bill this summer, I will. You can go home and go to a summer camp like I did." Mabel was about to protest, but gruncle Stan interrupted.

"She's right. You two go home. Well help her deal with Bill this summer, and you two can come back next summer when everything is safe again." Dipper gloated at me, before stomping up the stairs to the attic, hopefully, to go pack. Mabel followed soon after, grumbling about how stupid I was. I took a deep breath, feeling such a rush of emotions, I felt like I got hit by a train.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to see great uncle Ford. "Hey, is going to be OK. Bill shouldn't be as much trouble this time around, especially considering demons can't hurt their soul mates no matter how hard they try." I nodded, and the Twins came back downstairs with their suitcases packed.

We escorted them down to the bus stop, and not a single word was said between us. They silently got on the bus, making sure to give me one last death glare before they left. I relaxed as soon as they were out of sight, and we went back to the shack.

I locked myself in my room, only coming out to eat, or use the restroom. The other people in the shack were getting worried about me. But then, one night, about a week later, I had another dream.

To Cheer her up (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now