Chapter 60✓

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I'm vaguely aware in the back of my mind that Quinn is corresponding with the enemy but the ringing in my ears drowns it all out. The grief I'm experiencing blocks out everything except my burning rage.

I will extract my revenge. Brother or no brother. Twin or no twin. I will make Xavier pay for the loss of my mate. The moment the gun went off and tore the love of my life from me, was the moment he had signed his death certificate.

Just as I had to watch the light fade from Carter's eyes, I'll be the one to take that same exact light from my twin. As I lung for him I watch that bastard Viktor bend down and pick something up.

His demon spawn son stands beside him with a blank look on his face and I want to throw my fist right through it. I ignore them both until I hear Quinn scream desperately for me to stop. It's then that I notice what is now being held to Serena's forehead and with great effort I halt my movements completely.

I understand why Quinn wants me to stop my attack, but the burning rage in my chest overwhelms my sense of rationality. I turn and glare at the man who I call my best friend.

My body heaves noticeably with each and every breath. My wolf shakes underneath my skin, trying to take control and rip my twin limb from limb. It takes every ounce of my control to remain rooted where I stand. My wolf is willing to let go of all ties to loyalty and my pack in order for us to make him pay, to make him feel the pain that's tearing me apart right now.

Logically, I'm aware that this is not the best option, but my need for revenge is outweighing my need to protect my pack. Carter was everything to me. She has been since childhood. I failed to protect her. I failed to keep her safe. Now my brother will pay the consequences for ripping my heart and soul from my body.

"Now, now. Settle down, Alpha. We are just getting started." I hear Viktor say. "Come on out, my pets."

His voice sounds far away, like I'm listening from behind a closed door. I see movement throughout the shadows of the trees and my already tense body grew more high strung. My eyes flit back and forth between the oncoming group of enemies, to the people I want to rip limb from limb.

If I attack them now, then the bystanders will be in the direct line of fire. I couldn't allow more innocent lives to be lost. We have lost the most important member of this pack tonight and I need to get my shit together before we lose more.

"They're all Lycan's."

Quinn's voice is barely a whisper, but my ears prick at the sound. They're all Lycan? Oh, this just got interesting. My pack is strong, I have no doubt on that but if this turns into a full on battle so many lives will be lost.

"How very observant of you, Alpha." Viktor barks a laugh. "Now, my pets. Let's show them who the real Alpha is around here. Me. Shift. Now!" he commands.

I watch as my brothers bones break and elongate. He screams out in pain and my eyes widen at the sight in front of me. He stands on his hind legs, his fur is scraggly and patchy, his face looks more beast than wolf. It's horrifying. What has this bastard done to my brother?

I look around at the number of beasts surrounding us and for the first time I feel genuine fear that I'm going to fail my pack. Just as I have failed my mate. My heart clenches in my chest and I place my hand over my heart and put pressure to my sternum. Everything hurts.

My eyes continue to roam the creatures surrounding us and I notice that the Elder is no where to be seen. At first, I thought that the issue was that she did not approve of the mating because Carter was human but now, I am not so sure. It is too much of a coincidence that she disappears right after Carter is killed and the world begins to crumble around us.

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