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The rows of wolves and Lycan's lower themselves until every single being is kneeling before me. Quinn and Xander stand tall on either side, their pride comes off their bodies in waves.

Our pack has welcomed the Lycan's with open arms. Some are still reserved and nervous, but that's to come with the territory. The Lycan's came to our land with the intention of bloodshed. If it were not for me, they would be stuck in the commands of the Sire Bond.

"Samuel Hallows. Please stand." My voice carries over the crowd.

I see Sam near the back of the group, surrounded by his fellow Lycan's. His brows are furrowed, and confusion is clear on his face. He slowly stands up as all eyes turn to him.

"Please come forward."

My pack carefully makes a path for him to come forward while still respectively remaining bowed down. Sam slowly begins to walk towards me, a slight shake in his breath as he holds his head high; not wanting to show weakness in front of anyone. It's for that reason alone that I have chosen him.

As Sam stands in front of me, I can smell the nervousness coming from him. He stops a few feet from me and nods his head in respect.

"My Queen." He says softly.

"Samuel... You have had to adjust to life altering events in a truly short period of time. The life that you knew has been stripped from you, yet you came here and stood before us." I gesture towards him with one raised hand.

"You held your head high and never faltered as you took responsibility not only for yourself, but also for your Lycan group. You showed bravery and incredible strength." I say proudly.

"Thank you, My Queen." Sam says as he smiles shyly and his cheeks flush slightly.

"My mates have their Beta's. Their second in command. While I am the Luna to this pack, I am also your queen. I need someone I can lean on, someone I can trust, someone to assist me. Now Samuel, I have brought you here before me, in front of our pack, to ask you if you would do me the honor of becoming my Beta."

I pause, the look of shock has completely taken over his face. I smile slightly as I wait for him to process this. As someone else who has not been in this lifestyle for long, this must have come as a shock, but this is also another reason of why he is perfect for the job. We can learn this world together.

As I turns to look at my mates and tries to gauge their thoughts on this, I find them smiling back at me with pride. A flutter fills my stomach as I realize this is the first decision, I have made not only for myself, but also our pack.

"I... I would love that, My Queen." Sam stutters, the shock never leaving his face. "It would be my honor."

"Thank you, Sam." I grin at him. "Silver Thorne pack! I would like to announce Samuel Hallows as your Luna's direct Beta. Please, show him your welcome!" My voice carries loudly over the crowd, authority ringing clear.

My pack immediately echoes out with thundering applause and cat calls. Sam's eyes become huge, but a wide smile soon takes over his face.

The crowd dissipates, moving around to mingle and talk amongst themselves. We asked the cooks to come up with an incredible feast, my mates figured that this was an easy way to take the edge off of our pack members who had been feeling stress and fear since the wedding disaster.

I stand at the edge of the tree line, Quinn standing to my right with his hand on my lower back. Xander's off talking to Cole and Liam about what to do with Xavier, his brows furrowed with the clear frustration he's feeling. Sam has taken his place on my left side, his head held high.

I have this feeling about Sam, it's like this firm nudge in my mind when I think of him. I know he is destined for great things. Being at my side as my Beta is exactly where he's meant to be.

Things are going to get tough in the future, there is so much we still don't know. My mates and I talked this morning about the Council. We can't figure out if it was just Elder Audrey who was in on the attack on our mating day, or if the entire council was involved.

Alpha Ultima's are incredibly powerful, maybe the council didn't want an opposing team to have more sway than they did, I'm not sure but I'll be damned if I don't find out.

I'm going to do my mother proud and lead the wolves into a greater era. I want to be the support and leader they deserve. Whatever happens from here on out, at least I will have my mates at my side.

I'm with the loves of my life, and exactly where I am meant to be. I have been blessed by the moon and I am never going to take that for granted. This is just the beginning for my mates... my Alpha Ultima. As for myself, I'm finally whole, my soul no longer torn.

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