Chapter 48✓

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I wake up feeling hot. I try to roll over but find myself wrapped tightly between two overgrown werewolves. I smile at the comfort that I felt falling asleep with Quinn and Xander. I think back to the previous night and a small smile spreads across my lips.

It was incredibly hard and tried all our patience to spend the night together and not allow ourselves that kind of... physical release. The sexual tension between us has been building but Xander wants to wait until they have given me their mark to claim me fully. Quinn was unimpressed as he struggled with it, which made me giggle, because I did too. If it weren't important to Xander then I would have thrown caution to the wind and jumped them both.

Many times, throughout the night Quinn had gotten carried away in our kisses, leaving me a panting mess. Xander didn't hold back his touch, but he did keep himself more in check. Instead of giving into our primal instincts as Xander called it, we spent the better part of the night talking. The pressure I had begun to feel in my chest had lessened slightly.

Quinn frowned when the discussion turned to my abduction and I learned that even though Chantal discovered that Tyler was her true mate and had also admitted that they had planned to kill Xavier and Quinn, the guys still would have had no choice but to go forward with the planned mating arrangement. This was all because their parents had made the agreement via a blood oath.

When the oath was made, there was no mention of what would have happened if Chantal had found a mate or even a choice mate, only of what would have happened if Quinn and Xavier did. If they had obtained a mate or a choice mate, then the arrangement was off, but if it were Chantal that had found her mate, Quinn and Xander were expected to kill her mate, or have him reject Chantal so they could move on with their own mating.

Even though I can't stand Chantal, that arrangement seems harsh and sexist. Barbaric. The guys just laughed and shrugged, saying they could not change what their parents had done and how it had served them well in the end. I couldn't argue with that.

Xander explained that no matter how the situation played out, himself and Quinn were to always end up mated to the same woman. Quinn's mom had a vision when they were born of them becoming the Alpha Ultima and ruling their pack on one strong, united front. Serena said no one would ever be able to take them down once they were united.

Quinn explained that they had downplayed everything as well as hid a lot of details with Chantal to not freak me out, scare me away or to put added stress on my shoulders.

I understand why they felt like that, I've barely just learned about werewolves and this whole other world, but now, I want to be on the same page as them when it comes to situations. If I'm going to be their Luna, their equal, their partner, then I can't have them trying to keep things from me, even if it is to protect me.

Finding out about Chantal in the way that I did, had come at a huge cost. I feel betrayed and played by them. I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life by running to Tyler and jumping into bed with him. Not only did it almost tear us apart, but it almost cost me my life too.

I'm ecstatic that Quinn and Xander, as well as their wolves had chosen me. Today we will become one and I have never been more nervous for anything in my entire life. I'm a human that's being immersed into this crazy paranormal world and I still have so much to learn about their lives and culture. It was incredible to meet and talk with so many members of their packs last night. I was so nervous, but everyone made me feel comfortable and at ease.

Xander begins to stir behind me, my back pressed firmly against his chest. Quinn is lying in front of me, his hand draped lazily along my hip and thigh, while my knee is hooked over his hip. I smile widely when I feel Xander nuzzle his face into the nape of my neck and breathe in my scent deeply.

"That tickles." I whisper, giggling softly.

"You smell incredible. I will never tire of this, you know." Xander's voice is thick and husky with sleep and it sends a little zing right between my legs.

"He's right. You smell delicious." Quinn murmurs just as sleepily without opening his eyes.

Quinn slides closer to me and tucks my head under his chin. When he's comfortable he lets out a small content sigh. I would have thought that being sandwiched between two incredibly large alpha males would have been suffocating but it seems to be quite the opposite as I find myself feeling completely at ease. A sense of warmth spreads through me and realize that this is what it's like to feel comforted and safe.

My eyes pop open wide when I think about how late it must be getting and I wriggle between them, trying to get the slightest bit loose when Quinn swats me on the behind, causing me to yelp in surprise. He doesn't even bother to open his eyes; he just chuckles at the embarrassing squawk I made and mumbles for me to go back to sleep.

"We need to get up! It's our mating day! Your mom is going to kill me if we sleep in." I groan as he just tightens his grip on me and lays his head back down.

"Serena will be fine. Give us five more minutes, love. Relax, let's just enjoy this for a moment." Xander chuckles and again adjusts to press himself more firmly against my back.

A slow devilish smile spreads across my face as I arch my back and press my backside into Xander's hips, earning a low growl in return. I run my hands down the front of Quinn's chest and stomach, lightly trailing my nails along his bare skin. Rumbling growls surround me and I can't help the giggle that escapes me.

Quinn places his fingers under my chin and lifts until he's got me where he wants me and presses his lips firmly against mine as Xander begins trailing light kisses down my neck to my shoulder. Shivers spread across my skin, and I lean into Quinn's lips, pressing against him harder.

Xander's hand grasps my hips and pulls my butt into him harder, and a small gasp escapes my lips. Quinn doesn't miss the opportunity to deepen our kiss further and his tongue invades my mouth. Xander's lips on my skin became more demanding and his teeth trailed along my shoulder to the spot where the curve met my neck before he bites down. Not enough to break the skin but the dull ache sends shivers straight down my spine. A deep groan echoes through the room from all three of us. My core aches with the fire they are building within me.

"Mmm." I sigh. "Okay, yeah. Five more minutes." I agree, whispering against Quinn's lips.

Suddenly, Xander tenses and backs away. I want to slap myself in the forehead for breaking us from this moment. Quinn sighs before pressing a kiss to my forehead and getting out of the bed. He stands there, looking like a Greek God wearing boxers only and I can't help the frown that mars my face. Why did I have to open my big mouth? Stupid, Carter!

Quinn laughs loudly when he notices the look on my face. "Oh, little one. Don't pout. I promise after the ceremony tonight, if you allow us, then you won't even be able to form a coherent thought you will be so satisfied." Quinn smirks down at me.

I grin mischievously and get off the bed, moving to stand next to them both and trail my pointer fingers down their chest slowly.

"Oh no, my loves. I promise that it will be you two who will be so utterly spent and exhausted that you won't be able to move tonight." I growl lowly before turning and walking towards the bathroom, putting a little more shake in my hips for added effect.

Before I make it to the bathroom, I shuck the shirt I was wearing over my head and drop it to the floor, leaving myself wearing only a small, black lacy thong. Growls immediately break out and I force myself not to look until I turn to shut the door, giving them a brief glance at my bare chest before the door clicks shut. Once the door is closed behind me and they still haven't moved, I chuckle. The look on their faces was priceless. They want to be a tease, well, I can tease right back. Point one for Carter, I cheer for myself.

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