Chapter 51/52 Combined✓

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I watch as Serena turns and walks back out the way we came. Her small silhouette moving with determination along the narrow path. I stand unmoving until I can no longer see her retreating form. Gulping small breaths as my heart beats crazily in my chest.

I turn back around to look at the meadow, the decrepit looking statue drawing my sole attention. My nerves begin to get the better of me and I close my eyes for a moment and say a silent prayer to the Moon Goddess that I do not fail her.

The wind bristles softly, sending a chill across my skin. It's now or never Carter, I tell myself as I take my shoes and socks off. The chilled blades of grass tickle the underside of my small feet. I wiggle my toes and enjoy the small moment of peace.

I lift my thin white t-shirt over my head and fold it carefully before placing it on the grass by my feet. Then moving to unhook my bra from behind my back and placing it on top. Stripping myself of my black skinny jeans and underwear, my pile of clothing now sits complete. My fingers twitch at my sides as I force myself not to cross my arms to cover my breasts as I stand completely bare to the Goddess.

Goosebumps spread across my arms and chest. My nipples pebble tightly in the morning air. I lift my chin in pride at my most vulnerable state. I take a step forward towards the stone woman as butterflies fill my stomach.

Okay, here we go.


I take my time carefully and meticulously removing each and every delicate vine from the marble figure. She is a few inches taller than me so I figured starting from the top down would be the most efficient way to cleanse her. Each vine is wound tightly around the body and it's slightly barbed. Each movement makes the vines stick and hold on tighter, it becomes harder to keep each piece intact than I had originally thought.

This just forces me to pay more attention, to move slower, to take more care in every movement I made. As time slips by, her figure becomes completely cleared and I take a step back to admire my hard work.

I am incredibly proud of myself. Not one branch broke, nor did one leaf fall. I admire her features, the soft edges of her jawline, the determination in the set of her eyes, the way her long hair had been carved to such immaculate detail that it looks like it is flowing softly in the wind. The woman looks like she could be a fierce warrior, though soft to the touch.

The longer I admire her, the more this nagging feeling that I have seen her before nudges at my subconscious. I spend a long while thinking of where could possibly have seen this woman before. I think back through the past few weeks, and I know that her face is in the forefront of my memories, not from my past.

I'm wondering if I have seen her in a painting in the meeting room of the pack house, or maybe it was in the beautiful library that Quinn showed me. But, for the life of me I can not remember where I have seen her and know that if I can't figure it out, it is going to drive me insane.

Focus, Carter! I scold myself.

I've been standing here like a statue myself for who knows how long, trying to remember her face, that I don't even realize the meadow has become silent. No more is the grass rustling in the wind, no birds sing in the trees. I look around the silent space and my heart picks up speed.

I have completed tasks one and two. I am standing naked in this meadow, and I have been for a few hours now. So much so, that I barely recognize that the cool breeze dancing along my flesh. Task three is awaiting me and the sound of my quick breaths and beating heart is all that fills my ears.

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