Chapter 32✓

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I lay there helplessly as Viktor takes the second vial of my blood and combines it with the mysterious purple liquid. Once the transformation is complete, he empties the vial into the last remaining syringe and injects it directly into Tyler's bloodstream.

My body instinctively tenses as I wait for the convulsions to begin. As prepared as I felt, the moment his body begins to violently shake, I can't help the nausea that overcomes me. Tyler's eyes roll into the back of his head, and he begin to foam at the mouth, a slow trail of blood drips from his nostrils.

Viktor stands beside him staring at the watch on his wrist, counting the seconds that went by as his son seized in front of him. He doesn't bother holding his head still, and the sound of it slamming against the metal throws me control over the edge. I turn my head as far as I can and my stomach empties. The smell of my vomit that's splashed over the metal table causes my stomach to heave further.

Viktor doesn't bother looking over at me, he continues to count the seconds on his watch. After what felt like ages, Tyler's body begins to calm. He seems to come around quicker than Xavier and I wonder if it's due to how malnourished Xavier is right now.

Viktor looks pleased as he looks down from his watch to his son's hyperventilating body. He grabs his stethoscope and penlight and begin to inspect how he has progressed. When he's finished his analysis, he unstraps Tyler from the bed.

"How do you feel, son?" Viktor asks as he helps Tyler to stand. He is much stronger on his feet than Xavier was, and I want to punch him in the face for it.

"Incredible. It's like this never-ending source of power. I feel like I can control every nerve ending that runs through my body. Before, I couldn't feel my wolf until the morning of a full moon. Now, my wolf feels alert, and I can sense him in my mind even though the full moon is still two days away." Tyler is grinning wickedly as he bounces on the balls of his feet.

"I can control him, father. I can feel it. I could command the shift right now if I wanted to."

I lay as quietly as I can, biding my time. I know that they have not forgotten me, but as of right now my blood isn't being drawn, and I'm not being hurt. Staying quiet seems like my best and smartest option. Not that I seem to be making any smart decisions lately.

I always thought that if I were in a dire situation, I would be able to handle things more effectively. I didn't think that I would be like those women you read about in romance novels that made the most stupid, reckless decisions and wound up in hot water only to need saving, yet here I am.

I stayed calm when Tyler originally took my blindfold off, I didn't freak out and run or try and get away, but lying here now, I realize just how much of a fucking idiot I really am. I had fallen for two alpha males, let my ego become bruised and jumped into bed with a dangerous man - a man I had been warned about, nonetheless - and wound up stuck in this mess I have no chance of getting out of.

"Now that we know her blood is the key we've been searching for, we need to prepare to complete the change in our other hybrids. Go to the drawer and get me the vials for her blood." Viktor demands.

I close my eyes and try not to fall into hysterics. but my chip wobbles and my breath catch on a ragged sob as I continue to breathe through my mouth due to my blood clogged sinuses. This is it. Viktor has completed his research and once he has my blood, there is no need for him to keep me around. I am going to die.

I listen to the sound of Tyler opening drawers and the clink of metal as he retrieves the items for his father. My mind wanders to my parents and how I wish I were able to establish a better relationship with them before they had died. I wish that I had known that they had done everything just to try and protect me. There are so many things I wish I could have done differently.

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