CH.4 Last Faces

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Summary: Tommy gets visitors but will it be enough.

i had to break this chapter in two because it got to lengthy. two more sad chapters than some action coming! thankfully tommy went with techno which gives me more leeway to do what i wanted originally with this story because after this chapter were going off script :) i hope yall are ready

Ranboo, quackity, lazar, and drista. Will they be the last face I see before I die? Probably. After yesterday's stream I stayed on the server for 4 minecraft days worth of time.

Ranboo was the first to come and visit me after the stream. He greeted me and told me he missed me. It was relieving and uplifted my mood. Although I had just used about 4 stacks of blue so that might have been why. I gave him the tour and we trekked into the depths of the forest on an adventure. I wanted to gear up and try to fight back. I was just in that kind of mood. My normal mood as some would say

We approached the village I found barely 30 minutes ago. There were naturally spawned villagers and everything. It had been so long since I had seen a villager but it gave me the sliver of hope I needed for possibly getting an ender pearl trade. That was until I realized although I had the ender pearl trade it didn't matter I could get stacked with pearls to help me escape but dream had just as many if not more.

" I wish I could go back to lmanburg just one more time" I say sitting in the beach after a long day

" I know Tommy just hang in there and be strong for us"

" for who ranboo everyone hates me. People think I'm oblivious to the fact that dream's manipulating me. I'm not, I know ranboo but knowing doesn't make it any easier because it's just one more person on this blasted planet who hates me"

" well I don't hate you, ghostbur doesn't hate you"

" I don't even know who hates me or likes me anymore what if you've all been manipulating me like dream"

" awe tommy" he says giving me a hug " none of us will ever be like dream ok think of all the fun times we had robbing George, you built lmanburg, made friends, made a life with everyone"

" what was that all for if dream can all take that away in seconds"

It's silent as we look along the foggy waters at the star filled sky

A tear rolls down my cheek

" you should go I need rest"

" ok let me know if you need anything write to me ok"

I nod silently as he sits up and the nether portal sounds rings through my ears

Alone again

I went to the trailer to bed

A knock at the door startled me awake

I groan having been woken up

" come in?" I say sitting up rubbing my eyes

The latch clicks as the door opens

" hey thought I'd come and visit" I heard his stupid Australian accent

" UGGHHH why the fuck are you here Australian"

" figured you could use some company, I brought you something" he says handing me a disc

I get excited for a second till I realize what disc it is

" ew what the hell, this is the worst disc what the fuck is wrong with you"

" oh come in it's not that bad I mean it's a disc"

" I don't want this stupid disc or your Australian ass in my house lazar I mean come on you couldn't have brought vikkstar or something he's far better than any disc like are you litterally brain dead"

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