CH.2 The Letters

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Summary: Should it be the end?

I went back into logstedshire thinking about what to name the bee. Tubbo is just too pitiful and lonely. Maybe tubboat... that would have to do. I crafted an anvil leaving me with 4 iron total. I named the name tag tubboat and tied around its neck seeing the name pop up above his head in satisfaction. I take a look through the barrels finding one that had 22 water bottles, a stack of steak and a... book?. I pull it out to read later

I made my way into the van body chilled to the bone as I wrapped a blanket around me and sat in the bed opening the book.

Dear Tommy,

You're so heartbroken I couldn't tell you this in person but my obsidian prison is scheduled to be done by 6pm est irl time in 2 days and you're set to be it's first inmate. The prison shuttle will pick you up at 5:30 and have your things ready. You'll get a meal and water enough to keep you alive for the day. No echest or picaxe. And you know what happens to armour :). I'm leaving you alone after livestream tomorrow until 5:30 the following day so do anything you need.


Dream (or should I say your nightmare)

Ps. Don't worry your friends will join you soon

I sighed not even caring I'd be dead before he even got the chance. I opened the barrel to grab a journal and start writing a note for tubbo

Dear my tubbo,

You have made the world a beacon of light in your time of presidency I see no doubt of that. For the country you did what's right. To appease dream you did what's right. In my time here I've learned dream will always win so there's no use in even trying. He watches over me like a hawk 24/7 making me watch as he destroys my armour everyday and threatens to take my echest. I almost died in front of my dream eyes today and he gave me food and water only to find a letter saying he was taking me to his luxury obsidian prison for the rest of my days. I have every disc but cat and melohi and I wanted you to have this. I know it's your favorite so please store it with care. And don't worry I'll have my compass so you know where to find me ;). I delivered this letter in person just so I could see l'manburg the nation I gave independence to one last time. Just please know I know you don't love me the same way I love you. I don't even know if you love me or even like me. If I knew making l'manburg an independent nation would mean losing you I would've let them win just to stay by your side. But I love you more than everything in the universe combined. It wasn't your fault


Yours truly tommy/ big t

Ps.enjoy this book

I role it up and tie a string around it slipping it under the bed I grabbed a book and began writing. I knew from previous experience with ghostbur I needed to write down key events of dream smp to help me remember.

Dear diary,

Use this to spark your memory ghost tommy

1. Dream runs the smp he's building a prison confront him when he finds your dead body

2. Wilbur now ghostbur started lmanburg with your friends tubbo, fundy, quackity, and eret. Eret betrayed you and is now king of dream smp. You fought for freedom of lmanburg and gave up two discs cat and melohi to gain independence

3. Jschlatt won the election to be president of lmanburg and exiled me and Wilbur and we started the nation pogtopia one by one we gained in numbers and started a war in which we were informed there was a traitor and dream had joined jshlatts side. Wilbur created a way to blow up lmanburg and did so during the war after techno revealed he was the traitor he spawned withers and Phil joined the server and took Wilburs last canon life (everyone has three) and techno disappeared after the war

4.You were made president but turned it down to fight for your discs so Wilbur gave it to tubbo

5.You had a cow named henry his grave is by your old house

6. Georgenotfound is dreams best friend maybe lover and everyone made fun of him for building a house during the war I decided to pull a prank on him and rob him with ranboo (who is a friend) and George's house got griefed. dream found out and was pissed and built walls around lmanburg

7. Tubbo who you love with your life exiled you because he wanted to keep peace with dream for the sake of the nation and is a wonderful man

8. You started logstedshire which is where you stand and took your own last canon life out of depression and sadness so you could get back to tubbo as fast as possible

9. Dream is an asshole try to make his life a living hell get melohi from skeppy and put the discs in the echest

10. Dream threatened to put you in an obsidian prison and would come and mock you 24/7 he also threatened to build the wall to sky level if tubbo didn't exile you

11. Try to find tubbo asap

12. Also your a simp for vikkstar

13. Stream schedule comes in the mail each day but you can stream whenever just change it in the journal and it changes for everyone

14. Don't let the green boy win and just do me a favor if you do get both discs can you shout over lmanburg this simple phrase? "SUCK IT GREEN BOY"

15. Ask tubbo or quackity to fill you in on anything else you have questions on :) best of luck

I sighed closing the journal. I only wrote down the stuff I wanted to remember, I figured that'd be best. I slid it under the bed with the letter and layer down pondering in my thoughts. I don't know what was right or sane anymore I was lost physically mentally and emotionally and in that moment I just wanted to forget forever. I disconnected from the server. 

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