CH. 20 Scrambled Eggs

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Summary: The eggpire has more to it than anticipated and tommy cant keep all this info to himself anymore. ranboo is forced to run away and a few small problems make preparations for the meeting a little less simple

A/N: sorry i have trouble having motivation to finish the filler chapters luckly this is the last one :)

 " I didn't know you preferred an omelette in waiting over me"

" don't you dare... you know i did this all for you..."

" FOR ME?! I was perfectly happy the way things were with me and you living in our house. I LOVED IT"

" think of the egg as an addition our family"

" no way that thing is asking for war and you'd choose it over me every time you don't care about me anymore i'm not gonna be a part of the badlands or your life anymore and you can whine and cry all you want but i'm never coming back till the eggs gone" said skeppy

Bad looked in shock as skeppy walked away. Me and tubbo had watched the whole thing go down from over by my house. Skeppy spotted us and turned back to bad who was begging him to stay.

" oh one more thing"

Skeppy took out the book and signed it and signed it again, closing it before walking over to us and handing it to us. Tubbo flipped through the pages until-

" its signed" tubbo said in amazement

" see you tomorrow" said skeppy

Tubbo quickly ran inside the house and opened the echest placing the book inside.

" you! over there!" we heard bad say

I pointed to me only to look behind me and see ranboo

" not you phantommy, him"

" me" said ranboo

" yeah come here" said bad

" hi i uh don't think we've formally met i'm ranboo"

" i know who you are"

" wha what do you mean" he said confused

" you're the one who let the egg free arent you..."

" h how would y you know that" he sputtered

" the egg tells stories to those deep in its glory like me.. I know what you did" said bad " thank you"

" no no that's not possible you know i thought i might have but you.. The egg for sure said I did it"

" oh yes you set it free ... it's eternally grateful. You know you'd make a great king of the eggpire"

" no no i don't deal well with voices... things that talk in my head i'm sorry i need to go" he said turning around

" not so fast" said ant his eyes growing red blocking the path for ranboo

" cmon you'd make a great king" said bad his eyes now red and voice getting deep and menacing

" tubbo we gotta go! WE GOTTA GO NOW" i said

" ranboo run!" i shouted as we ran towards lmanburg with the eggpire chasing us not far behind

" oh my god oh my god" said ranboo trying to hold back tears while running

" go to the safe house!" shouted tubbo

" where is that" i said...

" under the docks!" he said

We made our way into the water as they followed behind us like robots seething. tubbo opened the latch as they gained proximity

" Tommy get in!" yelled tubbo

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