CH.11 Travelers

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A/N: i felt very motivated to continue writing this after Tommy's stream today :(. i cant believe ghost innit is real i hope it doesn't interfere with my story too much. sadge.

The same white walls regal and prestigious gave me comfort as I stepped inside. Ghostburs nerves made it a bit more unsettling than previously though. I don't quite understand what he's worried about or why I'm here. I want help tubbo and as much as I know I have to, I don't want to explore this place.

" let's head back to the courtyard and chill I have some empty books you could write what you've done so far in just to help memory and stuff"

" ok" I said

We arrived and I just hung out by the tree. I wanted to go back I didn't want to be here as beautiful as it was I made a family down there I didn't want to leave

" I I'm gonna go take a walk"

" sounds good"

I wandered around the far too large castle in search for answers of why I was here. I mean I figured since I was here I should do what I came here for. I started my way down the pearly white trail. this was like the wizard of oz if the inbetween was over rainbow and the path was white instead. I mean there was no wicked witch of the west or at least I hoped there wasn't. I approached what had to be the biggest tree in the entire place.

I wandered hoping to find a book or something useful before remembering I had left a book on the courtyard from last time. Oh well, I'd go back in a while. I hopped over the moat surrounding the tree and explored underneath till I saw a book

I've lost people before... don't be like me

write down your memories under a tree

Maybe one day you'll see them again and you won't forget until then patience is a virtue

I sighed placing the book back

I traveled down the path towards one of the castle's turrets, the view was extraordinary, filled with orange and pink clouds. A book laid upon the windowsill

The view here seems to make up for lost time down there. I don't know how much it helps but it's nice to be here

I continued down to the great hall again. It appeared to be the same as the first time I was there, no new books or anything however I did notice a witherrose in place of the fern. I turned around about to head back to the courtyard until suddenly I heard something... I felt.. a presence. I turned around

"Sammy?" He questioned

What. His body was intact he seemed confused but.. something was off. How could he have died. Why would he look at me and say Sammy something was not right at all.

" k Karl??" I said

" Sammy?" He said again as if in a trance

" I'm Tommy?" I said "... who's Sammy?"

" Tommy? That sounds familiar" he said " were you in the present day??"


" what?? What do you mean present day" i asked

" how do you know me"

" I'm Tommy or Tommy's ghost"

" Tommy there's a bunch of greyscale.... Karl's" said ghostbur before seeing him standing there

Suddenly it clicked I still didn't quite understand if he was a ghost or not but he had lost his memory that's why... maybe just maybe.. Did Karl write the books?

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