CH. 10 Sleepy Incorporated

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Summary: phantommy arrives at techno house and tubbo goes on the journey to the house with the fam while they wait.

A/N (sbi for the soul :) )

Finally I arrived at the building I assumed to be technos home.

"Up here" said tubbo from the upstairs window

I smiled looking up at him and waving. Running up the stairs to meet them in the house.

About and hour prior

Tubbo pov.

" tubbo how did? How are you?" asked phil

" not great phantommy has started to pick up more of tommys mannerisms and what he was like but it's just not the same i really miss him"

Phil gave me a hug

" i should've been there for you too, you're a part of this family tubbo"

I nodded

" here come in the caravan i want to show you something"

They followed me in the caravan which had been warmed with sunlight. Phil looked around taking in the place.

" why is there a bee in here?" said techno confused

" sorry its tommys i carried him in here earlier when me and tommy were in here it's his" i said letting it outside and giving it a flower

" tubboat?" said phil " he named it tubboat?"

" i'll explain that later"

" oh my god." said phil in a whisper picking up the disc

" he... he put it on his body before he died with a note" i said

" i haven't seen this in years tubbo i didn't even know tommy had it"

" i didn't either. Listening to it i couldn't believe how attached to it he was"

" what are we talking about?" said techno laying on the bed

Phil leaned over showing him the disc

" isnt that that dumb disc you played when you were kids"

" oh you shut your mouth techno i dont care if you dont like it but you dont have to be fucking rude" i said

There's silence as i calm down techno staring at me blankly tensing up

" sorry" i whispered

" no no i'm sorry" i said

" what'd the note say?" asked phil

I pulled out the book and opened watching the note fall to the ground like a feather. I kneeled down picking it up.

" i um you can read it" i said handing it to phil

"Dear tubbo,

I don't know if you remember when we were kids and brought you into the family. You used to love being outside with the bees and Phil would always try to make you happy. He bought this custom record and used to play it to keep you calm and happy and i always liked it because the lyrics were always something i related to in our friendship. i kept the disc after i made my own home back in lmanburg. i played it for you just once the night you became president to calm you down and help you sleep. The song belongs to you now. Also i know i never truly got to say goodbye the letter i gave you wasn't specific to anything and you deserve more. I know you're probably in pain right now but just listen. Phantommy can phase through walls and yeah it may not seem like he can remember but i left a book in the trailer that contains the most important contents of my life in terms of memories all written down so he knows everything. Help him get the discs back please for me. I don't know if i'll ever see you again but i probably miss you like hell wherever i am. Please take care of phil and techno for me too. I hope you're doing good my honeybee...

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