CH.24 The Other Side

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Summary: Stay in the moment... Dont stray from the path of yourself and your story. We all have power in our own way...

A/N: this is where all the action comes to close but there one chapter left :) thank you SO MUCH if you've stayed this far 

Black, black, and more black with a touch of, you guessed it,black. In all honesty it looked like a dark horrible place but at least I could think straight so it was already better than the inbetween. The sky was a dull dark grey with constant rumbles of thunder through the lands. There were some splashes of red here and there similar to the weird egg thing i'd seen a couple times at home but it was fine. The place smelled of bonfire smoke but not like it was burning my insides or hurting my lungs it just had this odd scent of campfire.

It looked as though people had been here before. How many I wouldn't know but I could see old footprints on the clear marble path. There was a chest with a book in front of me as i opened it

Welcome to the other side,

You're home now

Let's explore more soon

I was so sick and tired of these vague messages giving me nothing more than the smallest of clues and the smallest of memories. God, how was i even supposed to leave this place... every bone in my body wanted to sink down and cry and not have to try to decipher what this all meant but i also knew the more realistic tiresome option was to explore.

I felt this impending sense of evil surrounding me but it felt far off like somewhere was reaching and grasping for me. I didn't understand the reasons or motives behind this all and it was hard enough to decipher everything the stories told as i traveled let alone all this. I don't understand how i'm supposed comprehend any of this when i can barely remember things in my head and of course it's all connected

I started walking... taking this path into the fallen darkness of the castle of this opposite world. I kept walking and i didnt even know where as I wandered aimlessly looking for something, anything. I came across a small room on black with some red accents. There was a pedestal on the center with four piles of dust. Beneath each pile were three name tags.

The name were




Mexican Dream

I didn't understand what these piles meant though or what they were. The dust seemed an odd grey and ashy color. The thing that had caught my eyes though wasn't the piles of dust that put the flower in front of it... a single allium. The purple was so bright and beautiful and it looked as though it was fresh for it was barely wilted.

I continued on with my wandering as I silently hummed the music from the inbetween. I closed my eyes and walked aimlessly through the grand black halls. I felt myself being drawn to a place to a room maybe so i just let it take me. Suddenly i froze.

"Karlll jacobs" it whispered causing me to spring my eyes open

" bow to your masttter"

"Commee to me k-karll"

I wandered as I felt it pull me in further and further until I opened a door.

Inside the door was a plant small but bright red with tentacles reaching from every angle. It looked as though there was a name tag but it was covered by the overgrown plant. in the back were a few white tulips,alliums, and some yellow marigold looking flowers. It looked as though this was a greenhouse but the plant in the center was the main attraction.

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