CH.13 Pinion

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Summary: Quackity gets the badlands attention and is forced to team with somone who hurt him badly in order to find karl, tubbo has to deal with the preparations of the funeral and feeling utterly alone, tommy worrys he may have died for nothing and learns he was a bigger part of his family than ever imagined...

A/N : I AM SO SORRY this chapter alone is over 4000 words lmao RIP to you but i swear its worth it 

Tommyinnit joined the game

I only spent a short hiatus off the server but it was a much needed break to process everything. That had happened. I heard some voices outside of my little abode in the tree. I decided to role out of bed to explore the commotion. I felt more calm and focused I felt in control for once in my ghost life which felt like a new beginning. I would help ranboo and Karl figure out there problem but more importantly be there for tubbo right now. he needed me.

" hey what's goin on out here" I asked seeing Karl diving into the moat and ranboo and Wilbur sitting there

" there's a book down there how are you?!"

" good it was a much needed break I was planning on going down to visit tubbo but I'll help for a bit"

" Sounds good we've just spent the last while exploring this place, honestly a whole lot of books about remembrance and travelers. We also came across a room and a portal upstairs and a shit ton of books that said don't stray from the path" said ranboo

"I wonder why someone would put a book down in the water if they know we can't get to it"

" who knows?" Said Wilbur

Karl swam to the surface before taking a gasp of air throwing the book on the ledge. He ran his fingers through his wet hair and attempted to shake some of the water out of his dripping wet clothes. This promptly made me think to look at my own clothes which still seemed to remain tubbos sweater and a pair of khakis. I had never noticed till now but on a tiny spot on the sweater there was a little bee sewed on.

" hey Tommy" said Karl bubbly and excited

" hey you get that brain working any better yet"

" mmmm yeah I think I remember some stuff main events like lmanburg wars but the more recent stuff I can't remember." He replied

" that's good"

" what's the book say?" Asked Wilbur

" it says ... it says many travelers come to this place it is a place to relax your mind and spirit after long travels travelers are the entire makeup of this place and another friendly reminder DON'T STRAY FROM THE PATH"

" can I see it" asked Wilbur

He handed the book to Wilbur who took it, scanning it. I had noticed ghostbur seemed exhausted and stressed out. He looked like he needed a break from what I'd heard about Wilbur; it seemed both him and ghostbur were more than dedicated. He eventually handed the book to me which I didn't need to read so just gave it back to ranboo.

Ranboo scanned the book reading the message till it appeared his eyes had almost reached the end when suddenly he froze and stopped trancelike state and started sounding like an enderman. He teleported a few times before disappearing leaving the book in the ground.

" something in that message sent him back"

" we should probably keep that book we might learn something" said Karl

" ah yes knowledge kills me now this is so ducking boring I hate the inbetween who wants to walk around reading books and why should we... let's be real how much are they really helping our memory anyway"

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