CH.23 Waking Up

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Summary: No ones ever really gone, Nothings ever truly finished... 

A/N: 2 CHAPTER LEFT!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (healing for the angst i've served you :] hope you survived lol)

The whispers of the world laid still upon my fingertips. The solemn tone of the tireless world brooding its past importances on me as I slept in the night. I often didn't dream, didn't dare have anything better than the worst nightmares which is how I knew by the feeling I felt that this could be no dream. This mind game could be no accident. I could not open my eyes or gain consciousness. I was inbetween somewhere unknown. Somewhere inexplicably lost. It was entirely silent with no smashing of bottles or mexican speedrun music at 3 in the morning instead it was for once in my death. Silent.

I learned very quickly this could be no natural occurrence and as much as i wanted to believe i was drifting into a nice dream I just knew it to be impossible.

However, this feeling was oddly familiar in a way i could not place suddenly i remembered a state of mind i was once in

Is this the afterlife? Do some people like me just never wake up?? Things have never felt so still but so busy at the same time.

My eyes shot open as I took a breath. My eyes fixated on the sky and the smell of flowers corroding my senses and thoughts. a sunburn and the brutal heat blisters inflicting an ungodly amount of pain on me as I laid there taking short shallow gurgally breaths. I heard the clank of metal to my right as soft grunts from humans who seemed indistinguishable as my eyes flickered open and shut as I tried to gasp for air. I turned to my side and coughed as i felt the pain in my lungs as the water was rid from them as I tried so hard to take a breath.

Was this a goddamn dream. There was no way I was alive again right. I heard the clank of metal stop as my eyes opened fully, the sun hurting my headache but that didn't matter as my eyes fixated on him.

" Bloody hell" i wheezed in pain sitting up

"T- Tommy?!"

Suddenly my eyes focused as soon as I realized punz wasn't stopping just cause tubbo was. I fished in my pockets before pulling out my pocket knife and hurling it at him. That's how I knew it was real once I held my knife. The knife hit him square in the throat.

" I DID NOT COME BACK TO LIFE TO WATCH YOU DIE IDIOT" i said trying to pog through the pain

Tubbo ran over teary eyes and jumped on me wrapping his legs and arms around me as I hugged back.

My eyes started tearing up. I hadn't felt this feeling so long all of the memories rushed through my head from everything.

" i missed you so much" i sobbed into him " Is this really real can you pinch me?"

He pinched me hard

" ow not that hard oh my god" i said

He giggled through his tears

" i need to get back to run this war and-"

" just give me a minute" i said

I rubbed my neck taking a deep breath when I felt something.

" tommy..."

I looked to my side to see feathers lined in a row wings!

" YES lets gooo" i said

" what?"

" i might have learned up there that i have wings that weren't supposed to develop till i was older" i said

" yoooo that's sick!" said tubbo

" don't tell anyone yet, not phil, noone" i said seriously

" oh ok" he said as i rubbed my neck again

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