CH.9 Pseudocide

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Summary: dream finds tommy dead and things get... complicated :)

Tubbo pov:

I sat with him as I watched him slowly open the book. I was quite interested to see what he had written to spark tommys memory considering everything that had happened thus far in his life.

Dear diary,

Use this to spark your memory ghost tommy

Dream is building a prison confront him when he finds your dead body

Shit I hadn't thought that according to tommy's letter dream would be here to pick up tommy for the prison and soon

Wilbur now ghostbur started lmanburg with your friends tubbo, fundy, quackity, and eret. Eret betrayed you and is now king of the dreamsmp. You fought for freedom of lmanburg and gave up to discs, cats and melohi.

" the discs?" he asked " was he given those at the start of the server why were they so important?"

" besides family and me those were his prize possession he spent years fighting dream for he ended up giving them both to dream which he never intended doing hes spent like forever trying to get them back"

"Why would you help him if he cared about the discs more than you?"

" i i- at times it was hard to tell but i knew he loved me and he would've wanted me to help but he never let me to keep me safe now he's asked me to help which is in a way a compliment because it proved to me i am my own person"

He nodded

Jschlatt won the election as president of lmanburg and exiled me and wilbur and we started the nation pogtopia. One by one we gained in numbers and started a war in which we were informed there was a traitor and dream had joined schlatts side. Wilbur created a way to blow up lmanburg and did so during the war after techno revealed he was the traitor he spawned withers phil joined the server and took wilbur's last canon life ( everyone has 3)

" so ghostbur was wilbur cause i know ghostbur"

" yeah also i should probably explain the family dynamic too. Basically Wilbur and techno were Tommy's brothers and Phil was their dad. Fundy is wilburs son and Tommy's nephew and I was adopted into the family after Phil found me on the side of the road. Me and tommy always had more of an inseparable friend bond"

" ok it says here phil didn't join till this war thing though"

" yeah wilbur tommy and techno all came her to the dreamsmp after they were old enough to make there own living including me too. phil didn't come to visit till that day and the first thing he did was kill wilbur"

" why would he do that"

" the guilt and pain wilbur had he had gone mad and begged phil to kill him and i don't know the whole story but he did it"

You were president but turned it away because of the discs so wilbur gave it to tubbo

" so i was president"

" yes but the discs were always a super dangerous affair him being president would have put the whole country in danger so i became president and then the whole country got blown up ghostbur helped rebuild it"

You had a cow named henry his grave is at you old house

I remember the first time I met Henry in a meadow with Tommy we would come feed him and hang out in the fields with each other... sometimes even wilbur and techno would join. Damn sapnap and his obsession with killing pets

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