Chapter 1: Confusion

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It started out as any typical school day. I was just on my way to school, walking peacefully. When suddenly, something fast zoomed past me.

Bright orange hair bopped ahead of me, gaining speed. The orange-haired midget turned around and gave me a huge grin. "I'm gonna win this time!"

It was crazy. Seeing him made me pissed and happy at the same time. Pissed because he had the guts to challenge me and happy because, well. I didn't really know myself.

I masked my feelings by shouting something really intelligent like "dumbass Hinata!" and started running like crazy. No way was I going to give him the satisfaction of winning!

"Hinata Shouyo!" I called out in my angriest voice. "You're dead when I win!"

He gave me a quick look, and I saw his expression immediately morph into pure terror

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He gave me a quick look, and I saw his expression immediately morph into pure terror. If it was possible -- he ran even harder. Sheesh, was I really that horrible to look at?

"Demon!" He shouted. "I won't let you have your way, Yokai!"

Sure. Rub salt to the wound, why don't ya?

"I won!" He shouted as we reached the door to the court.

Immediately, we both sat down on the ground, panting hard and trying to regain some energy back.

"You cheated," I backfired, breathing heavily. "You had a headstart!"

He gave me a grin that made my heart jump a little. But I refused to acknowledge it.

"I won because you scared me," he laughed. "You looked like you were going to kill me! I had no choice but to run!"

I know that this will sound lame. But little moments like these were very special to me. It didn't make any sense... But lately, I found myself looking at him more. Watching over him more. Being hyper-aware whenever he was near. Feeling -- okay fine -- I'll admit it. Feeling giddy when he smiled or when he laughed. There were moments when he would surprise me with a compliment or a friendly gesture. And it would completely ruin the rhythm of my heart and thoughts.

Why? What was I feeling?

"Oi Hinata!" Tanaka shouted. "Kageyama! Why do you both look tired this early morn--"

He stopped when Kiyoko entered the court.

"Kiyokoo," Tanaka sung with such an idiotic facial expression. "Let me carry that b--"

"No," she said without even looking in his direction.

Tanaka visibly trembled. He still had that stupid look on his face. "Man I love her," then he asked us, "don't you just love her???"

"She's a great manager!" Hinata shouted gleefully with his hands thrown up in the air.

"Love," I blurted out. "What does that feel like?"

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