Chapter 13: Haunted House

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Tadashi Yamaguchi

Hinata looked like he did before a match -- like he needed to go to the toilet. On cue, Hinata clutched his stomach. "C-can I go to the bathroom f-first?"

Kageyama raised an eyebrow at him. "Who was it that called me a scaredy pants again?"

Hinata turned pink, then pointed a finger to his freak duo partner. "I'm n-not scared, if that's what you're implying!!!"

Daichi smiled, but he looked worried for Hinata. "Are you sure you'll be okay? We'll come in pairs. So you won't have to be alone inside."

"I'll be okay!" Hinata insisted. "I w-wont even scream!"

"They're not real, they're not real...." Hitoka repeated to herself. She looked worst off.

Kiyoko glanced down at Hitoka worriedly. "Are you still breathing?"

Yamaguchi couldn't help but laugh. "I think it would be hilarious to pair up Hinata and Hitoka. They would make all sorts of funny reactions."

For some reason, Kageyama glared at Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi took a step back, terrified. What was he getting angry for....?

Tsukki patted Yamaguchi's shoulder and said, "don't mind the love infested lunatic."

Love infested lunatic...?

"Hey dumbass!" Kageyama suddenly shouted angrily to the smaller guy. "We're going in together, right??"

Hinata covered his ears. "You don't need to shout," he murmured. Then louder, "Clingyama!"

At this, the taller boy turned crimson red. Then, as expected, the freak duo started physically assaulting each other. Daichi sighed, giving up on the two. While Suga and Asahi suppressed silly smiles.

Just then, Yamaguchi finally got what Tsukki meant. He turned pink, not believing it. "Y-you mean Kageyama's --?"

Tsukki flicked a disgusted face at the duo. "Right?  He's got bad taste." Then he added, "but I do hope they get together so we won't have to suffer this cringy comedic performance."

Yamaguchi smiled. Tsukki got a kick out of derailing people, but Tsukki's actually a good person deep inside. He's just not the type to show it.

When the pairings were settled, everyone got ready to enter the haunted house.

Kageyama Tobio

The first who entered were Tanaka and Nishoya. They didn't look happy with each other. No doubt, they wanted to be partners with Kiyoko.

I glanced down at Hinata. The dumbass looked ready to piss his pants.

"So, who's scared now?"

Hinata glared up at me. He was about to say something, but the guy handling the booth signalled us to go through. Hinata looked ready to barf.

"Oi! Don't you dare barf!" I spat, as we walked inside.

"I-i'm trying," he squeaked, clutching his mouth.

The hallway was dimly lit and narrow. Hinata, scared out of his wits, grabbed me.

Not that I was complaining or anything.

"A-aren't you scared?" Hinata asked, his eyes scanning the whole area.

I was more nervous than scared. With him being so close to me, I felt all levels of self-conscious. Not that I was going to admit it, of course. "Only idiots get scared."

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