Chapter 12: Plans

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Azumane Asahi

Asahi witnessed something that he shouldn't have.

He went home early from practice, since his tummy was acting up. On his way home, he saw bright orange hair sitting on a swing at a nearby park. Asahi was about to say hi to Hinata -- but then, Asahi saw Kageyama was also there.

And they were holding hands. While swinging.

Asahi knew that they were acting weird that day. But this was a whole different level of weird.

Panicking that he witnessed something not meant for his eyes, he texted Suga.

Asahi: !!!!!!!!!!!

Suga: whut up ace???

Asahi: i think i saw sumthin i shouldnt have 🙊😫

Suga: before u regress to a teddy bear, what did u see???

Asahi: freak duo holding hands in the park 🥺 kinda cute after the initial shock. But?????? Now i feel bad for knowing 😭

Suga: !!!!!!!!!

Suga: u better not tell anyone else!!!!

Suga: hello!?? We need to talk!!!

Asahi: brb. Dropping bombs in the toilet

Sugawarma: 🤮 ttyl

Kageyama Tobio

The next day, the captain let us play again. For some reason, we were sharper. My tosses were accurate, and Hinata got better at various techniques on getting through a block.

Daichi looked pleased.

"Good job!" He praised us with a kind smile. "I knew you two would set aside your differences for volleyball!"

Hinata and I shared a glance, before heading our separate ways to do our own thing in the court.

"So i was thinking," Suga suddenly said, which made all of us look at him. "We don't really do anything together aside from volleyball." Then, he elbowed Asahi, clearly reminding him to play along.

"Oh right," Asahi said stiffly, like rehearsing a line. "Wanna hang out?" He cast a nervous look at Hinata and me. "I mean, not today. But this weekend?"

Hinata took the bait immediately, seeming re-energized. "Ohhhhh where are we going!!!!!!!"

Tanaka and Nishinyo looked at each other with scheming faces.

"How about the haunted house in the local mall," Tanaka suggested with a nasty smile. Everyone noticed how he glanced at Kiyoko.

Nishonaya nodded his head vehemently. "I second the motion!"

Tsukki made a face. "Pass."

The two second years immediately launched themselves at Tsukki, calling him names and lightly punching him for being a kill joy.

I was about to agree with Tsukki, calling the idea lame. But then I saw Hinata's expecting face.... He looked up at me, as if he were saying aren't you excited too?????

Daichi looked at me. "You were gonna say something?"

"Err," I paused. Everyone looked at me. Oh what the heck. If Hinata wanted it, I'll go with it. "I don't care, either way."

Hinata, Tanaka and Nishoya cheered. Then, Suga, Asahi and Hitoka agreed that they wanted to try the haunted house.

Daichi looked apologetically at Tsukki and Yamaguchi. "Sorry guys, but majority wins."

After talking about the time and place of meet up, we all cleaned up and went our separate ways.

Hinata and I walked home together.

Our hands brushed against each other, and I had the urge to hold his small hand against mine. But I didn't want to seem too needy... Too clingy. Plus, it was embarassing.

Hinata walked with a bounce, clearly excited for tomorrow. "I won't be able to sleep a wink! It's gonna be fun!"

Why was he so friggin cute? But instead of admitting that, I snapped, "Are you mentally five or something?!"

He hummed to himself, obviously not affected. "You're just scared!"

My instinct to argue with him won over. "No, i'm not!"

"Yes you are!" Then he stuck out his tongue, proving his immaturity. "Scaredy pants Kageyama!"

"Why you...." I grabbed his shoulders so I could shake some sense in him. But he tripped and suddenly, he was in my arms.

For a moment, neither one of us did anything. Then, Hinata started to back away awkwardly "whoops, clumsy me--"

I hugged him tighter, refusing to let him go.

"Can we stay this way for a little longer?" I whispered on top of his hair

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"Can we stay this way for a little longer?" I whispered on top of his hair.

He didn't answer for a long time. But he didn't pull away, either. I closed my eyes and rested my left cheek on top of his soft hair.

Slowly, I felt his hands grip my waist unsurely. "Why do you keep on confusing me?"

I smiled at this. "I'm not. You're just really, really dumb."

"Idiot," Hinata murmured against my chest.

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