Chapter 9: Regret

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Kageyama Tobio

I wasn't expecting a reply.

So when my phone beeped in my pocket, I panicked. In my hurry to get it out, I accidentally dropped it about three times before successfully reading the message.

Just got home! Good night, yamayama!

That night, I fell asleep clutching my phone, smiling like a dingbat.



Sometimes, Tsukki hated being analytic. It was helpful in a lot of things, but it also meant he noticed things he wished he didn't notice.

For instance, he knew Hitoka was bisexual and had a crush on Kiyoko. He also knew that Kiyoko kind of liked Tanaka - but he doubt Kiyoko noticed it herself. And there was Yamaguchi... gay and in love with him.

The list goes on. But what really bothered him... What really annoyed the crap out of him was Kageyama and Hinata.

Tsukki had nothing against gay relationships. But he did have something against the freak duo. So whenever he sees Kageyama skirt around Hinata like a love infested lunatic... He had the urge to hit them both with a volleyball.

If it were up to Tsukki, he'd call Hinata the king and Kageyama the fool. But lately... Well, Tsukki wasn't sure himself what to make out of Hinata.

Given, Hinata was so stupid, he probably didn't know his own feelings anyway.

"What are you glaring at?" Hinata was suddenly in front of him, doing punching motions. "You've been glaring at me this whole time. Wanna fight me?"

Tsukki stepped back. "Stay away from me. I might catch your stupid."

The little guy looked offended. "I'm not that stupid!"

At this, Tsukki smirked

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At this, Tsukki smirked. "So you do admit that you're stupid."

"No, I definitely did NOT say that!" Hinata confuted.

Tsukki decided to be helpful for once. "Are you sure? Are you sure you're not stupid enough to realize your own feelings?"

Tsukki though Hinata would get it. But apparently, once stupid, always stupid.

"I don't know what you're getting at." Hinata looked like his brain cells were about to combust.

Dumb af.

"You lack self-awareness," was all Tsukki said before leaving. It wasn't his problem, anyway. Let the idiots solve their love dilemma themselves.


"What's self awareness?" Hinata asked Hitoka, while they ate lunch together. Kageyama was supposed to join them, too. But he was running late.

"Knowing yourself," Hitoka supplied helpfully. "Knowing who you are, what you feel and what you want."

"Ehhhh," Hinata replied. "Does it count as self-awareness if I say all my wants, all my feelings and even the very basis of who I am are all grounded in volleyball?'

Spoken like a true volleyball monster, Hitoka thought to herself.

"I guess so," hitoka answered. And since she couldn't help it, she asked, "but aside from volleyball, do you like anything else? Do you like anyone?"

Hinata frowned at this. "There are some girls I get shy around... But not to the point I'm infatuated or something... But..."

Hitoka's ears perked at this. "But...?"

"Someone confessed to me recently," Hinata said it all in a rush, like he was super shy about it and he wanted to get over it fast. "I never thought of the person that way before. But ever since the confession... It's like, I dunno. I guess I'm always thinking of that person now??? Is that normal?"

Hitoka felt hope surge in her heart. Was it possible that Kageyama confessed and he actually had a chance?!?

Driven to get these two awkward people together, Hitoka decided to help with all her might. "It could mean only two things," she said confidently. "Either you like the person back but don't realize it yourself... or you're flattered and like the attention."

Hinata looked like he ate a sock. "Both options sound horrible."

"The second option makes you a mean person," Hitoka agreed. "That's why it's important to take this confusion seriously. If you're confused, then you have to figure out why you're confused. Or else you're just leading the person on."

"I'm not leading him, err, her on," Hinata explained. "I already rejected her."

"Oh." Hitoka felt all the hope in her sap away. "But do you regret rejecting him? I mean, her?"

"Not really," Hinata replied truthfully. "I mean, we're still the same. You know?"

Hitoka frowned at this. "Do you think she's not getting hurt by this? She may say it's okay. But I'm sure every day she's hurting."

Hinata looked stunned. He was so surprised, he forgot his pronouns. "... He is?"

At that moment, Hinata's eyes glazed as if realizing for the first time that he had to do something.

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