Chapter 6: Confession

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Hinata Shouyo

Kageyama was acting weird.

They were walking home together, on their way to get some meat buns. Hinata chatted endlessly as usual, but Kageyama was awfully quiet. Not even the mandatory dumbass remark that Hinata was so used to hear. Nada.

Hinata decided to just go for it and ask him. He karate chop him at the back and shouted, "What's wrong with you!?"

Which proved to be a fatal mistake.

Kageyama's eyes immediately turned dark

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Kageyama's eyes immediately turned dark. He gave Hinata the death glare. "Want me to karate chop the life out of you?"

"Erm," Hinata's voice turned meek. "I mean... is anything bothering you, my good sir?"

Kageyama's shoulder sagged as if he was tired of hiding his frustration. Small worry lines appeared between his eyebrows, which kind of made him look scarier. After some moment of silence, finally, he blurted out, "Do you currently have someone you like?"

Hinata stopped dead in his tracks. He stared up at Kageyama weirdly, which made the poor boy blush.

"I thought we can talk about anything dammit!" Kageyama shouted, clearly embarrassed and masking it by being angry. "Didn't you say we were best pals?!

"We are!" Hinata insisted. "It's just... I got surprised. That's all. I didn't think you were having love problems -- being the volleyball-holic you are."

They started walking again. "So?" Kageyama continued. "You like anyone?"

"Nope," Hinata replied, popping the p. "I guess I find some girls cute. But no one in particular that I'll chase after for. Besides, I can't afford time away from volleyball. You know what I mean."

Kageyama was silent again. They stopped by their coach's shop and bought some food. Hinata was a bit surprised when Kageyama offered to pay for Hinata's meat bun. Kageyama did it so casually, which made Hinata a bit unnerved. That was definitely not normal. Buy hey, free food! Hinata wasn't about to complain.

They found a bench to sit on while they ate their food.

"So," Hinata started saying. "Who is it?"

Kageyama's ears turned red, which made Hinata smile. He never thought he'd witness the King acting like a total dork. But, it did feel a bit weird. First Hitoka, now this. If these things never happened, Hinata would have never realized how insecure he was.

"I really rather not say," Kageyama admitted.

Hinata took a big bite of his bun. "Is it Hitoka-kun?"

"What," Kageyama replied, clearly taken aback. "No! Why would you think it's her?"

Hinata shrugged his shoulder. "Guess I haven't seen you get chummy with other girls except for Hitoka. So, are you planning to 'fess up or something?"

Kageyama scowled. "Why does everyone ask that? Is it a mandatory thing? Just because you like someone, you have to tell them?"


Kageyama Tobio

"Eh???" Hinata exclaimed, suddenly fired up. He stood up from the bench and started making crazy hand gestures. "Of course you tell them, you big dummy! What's the point of having feelings, if the other person doesn't know???"

I stared down at my uneaten curry bun. I usually gobble it down with one bite, but today, it didn't look appetizing. "I don't get it. Why confess when you'll get rejected?"

Hinata pouted down at me. I wish he stopped doing that face. It makes me want to kiss him. "You haven't even tried!"

I looked away from his annoyingly adorable face. If he only knew, he would be running the other direction. "I don't need to try," I responded. "I already know it."

Suddenly, he knelt in front of me, his face only inches away from mine. I resisted the urge to scream DUMBASS and push him away from me. That would only make everything obvious.

"If you really like a person," he started saying. "You don't confess to get something out of it. You confess because you want your feelings to reach the other person. You confess so that the other person would know they are loved. You want them to feel good. And who knows? Maybe they like you too. If they don't, then maybe there's still a chance to change things."

I never thought of it that way. "Will my feelings really make the other person happy...?"

"Of course!" Hinata encouraged. "Who doesn't feel nice being confessed to?" Then he gave me a blithe smile making me wish I could just keep him forever.

Was it really okay... to confess? Damn it. I felt like he was leading me on... I felt false hope building within me again.

"Anyway," Hinata started saying. "If she broke your heart, I'm here for you!"

Well, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure myself what did it. Was it the way he smiled at me...? Was it because he was being so kind to me...? Was it because his face was so near mine...? Or maybe, it was just my feelings, toppling out of me at incredible speed after hiding them for so long....? Whatever the reason was, it pushed me to speak without thinking things through.

"Hinata," I started. "I like you."

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