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I never imagined I would be Queen.

Nonetheless the Queen of Vampires.

But alas, here I am standing behind the dark wooden doors that wait for their cue to open. Today is my coronation day. The day I would officially be crowned Queen.

I am shaking with nerves, nerves of excitement and fear. Today is not only the day the mating bond would be completed, but it was also the one-year anniversary of me meeting my mates. Finally, the day was here, the day my mates and I were looking so forward to after the time of courting and the dangers that we had to go through. The day was finally here. Today, I, Amity Shippen, would become Queen Amity Volturi.

I thought of my life. I was born on June 16, 1763 to Edward Shippen and Margaret Francis-Shippen. I always chased after my older sister, Peggy, by three years who became deeply in love with a Major John Andre before tragedy struck. A tragedy that struck my sister's heart until her death in 1804. My sister never recovered from the hanging of her lover. Nor did my sister ever love the man she was forced to marry. Benedict Arnold, the name that made my eyes darken and my heart to be hardened whenever I would think or hear of him.

However, I had one good memory of him. My last memory of him. I would never forget sinking my teeth into his neck, draining him of his blood. My sister had been avenged that day. Not only was Arnold the cause of my sister's suffering, but he was a traitor to me. A traitor to the cause I silently believed in.

Yes, I had taken part in the patriot cause. My enlistment with the Daughters of Liberty would take me to Garrett, a continental soldier that was forced to desert after what had been done to him. I remember his backstory very well. After all, I wouldn't be where I was now without him. I still thank him to this day, even though I was forced to leave my human life behind.

On a dark night, the night of a weekly meeting with the Daughters of Liberty in Philadelphia, I met Garrett. I was taken from my usually peaceful walk into an alley where a man of filth slammed me into the wall harshly before tearing at my clothes. I had gone unconscious when my head met the wall, cracking my skull. Before the man could do anything further, as Garrett had told me, the man was slammed into the opposite wall before feeling his neck being ripped open by sharp teeth. He was dead within minutes from blood loss.

Garrett told me that he rushed over to me, holding my head in his hands, feeling the blood. Only a faint heartbeat could be heard, and Garrett knew my end was coming, but it was stopped. He changed my outcome. Garrett grabbed my wrist and brought it to his lips before biting down onto it.

I would wake up three days later in an abandoned cottage in Virginia to Garret explaining to me what had happened. I was furious at first. How dare he strip me of my mortality! But I soon understood as to why he did it, even if he didn't know why he had the urge to turn me. Usually, he would just speed up a person's death, but I was an exception. It was like I was meant to become a vampire. Like the fates had commanded it to be so. I would have died in the streets and although I was mad at Garrett for not giving me a choice, I did thank him for saving me from the man and giving me a second chance at life.

Now I knew why the fates had commanded it so.

I was soon taken out from my thoughts by the voice of Felix.

"They are ready for you, my Queen." he bows.

"Thank you." I nod at the too soon title.

The two guards of the Low Guard open the door, revealing the crowd before me and I walk gracefully inside into the new life that awaits me.

The crowd gathered inside bow and curtsey as I pass by them, bouquet in hand. My three kings are there, awaiting on the steps. I walk up the steps, standing in front of Aro. We agreed that Aro would be the groom, symbolizing the four of us getting married.

The priest looks around the room and motions for the guests to be seated. "Today, we celebrate the marriage of Amity Shippen and Aro, Caius, and Marcus Volturi. Marriage is a gift from God so we might experience unconditional love with a lifelong partner. Who here gives Amity to be married to this man?" he asks the crowd.

"I do." Garrett stands up and places my hand in Aro's.

"Now repeat after me," the priest tells us after Garrett sits down. "I, Amity Shippen."

Minutes pass as both Aro and I repeat the vows. When done, the priest announces us as husband and wife.

"You may kiss the bride." he says.

Aro grins. "Finally." he says before passionately kissing me.

The crowd erupts as we kiss and when we depart, we both have silly grins upon our faces. I raise my hand and admire the bland, but expensive gold wedding ring.

The priest goes and sits down in his reserved seat. The doors fly open and in comes two guards, each holding the throne that they carried delicately. That throne is mine. They walk up the stairs and Aro tells them to place it beside his and Caius'.

Aro turns to the crowd. "Today, we do not only celebrate a marriage but also a crowning of a queen. My wife, Amity." he snaps his fingers and a guard brings in a lovely, gorgeous tiara that is placed on a crown pillow. The tiara is carried over to Aro who picks it up from the pillow, holding it carefully in his hands. "Sit." he tells me and gestures towards the new throne. I sit and he walks to stand behind the throne. "With this crown," he says as he hovers it over my head. "You are dubbed Queen. Do you promise to uphold the laws of the Volturi?"

 Do you promise to uphold the laws of the Volturi?"

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"Do you promise to not abuse your power but to fairly execute it?"


"Then I, Aro Volturi, leader of the Volturi Coven and king of the vampire world, crown thee, Amity Volturi, Queen. Long live the Queen!" he puts the tiara on my head and raises me out of my seat with his hand.

"Long live the Queen!" 

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