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"Nice garden." Garrett compliments.

I smile. "Thank you. The past...queens helped it come to life." I look around at the empty flower beds. "I think I should put in a couple of roses, lavenders, and periwinkles."

"You found out about the former queens?" Garrett asks.

I narrow my eyes. "Yes, and I'd rather not talk about it, Garrett. Anyway, how is Alaska fairing?"

"Well, uh, it's cold." I laugh. "Lots of bears and moose. Perfect place for vegetarian vampires come to think of it. It's filled with wildlife and the days are short. You would love it, Amity, minus the vegetarian lifestyle."

"Sadly, I can't join you guys. My place is here, now." I say. "Plus, I just can't eat animal diet. No thank you."

"You've accepted them?" Garrett asks in disbelief and with a sight tone of anger that was threatening to rise.

I nod. "It took some time, but yes, I did."

Garrett stands up from the bench, enraged. "But they basically kidnapped you, Amity! You can't be in love with them! You just can't!"

My eyebrows narrow. "And why can't I, Garrett? They're my mates! I was going to fall in love with them no matter what! I can't reject the bond, you know that. If I were still human, I could, but once you're a vampire, your bond is sealed. I wouldn't want to reject them anyway. They've been good to me for the past weeks."

Garrett shakes his head. "No, I don't believe you."

I look at him in disbelief. "Excuse me?"

"I don't believe you. You're not the Amity I knew." he runs his fingers through his hair. "You must have Stockholm syndrome. That explains it. Or...or Chelsea and Corin have used their gifts on you. That could be it as well. Maybe it's both. Yes, yes, that's it. Come on," he grabs my arm. "I'm taking you away from your prison."

I try to rip my arm from his grasp, but his hold tightens. "Garrett, let me go this instant! Garrett!"

His head swiftly faces mine and his eyes are dark. "I'm taking you home. They've corrupted you."

"And why does me accepting my mates upset you, Garrett, huh? What's wrong with you? You've never once questioned my decisions. What caused this?" Garrett tugs on me harder, dragging me further from the gazebo. "Garrett, answer me!"

"I'll explain it to you on the plane."

"No!" I rip his grasp from my arm. "Tell me now!"

Garrett sighs. "Fine, I'll tell you. But I think it would be best if we sat down." he gestures me to a nearby bench and we sit on top of it. "Alice had a vision."

"What did she see?" I tilt my head to the side, waiting for an answer.

His eyes look down before looking back up to meet my eyes. "She saw the Romanian Coven. She doesn't know everything that's about to unfold for in some parts of the vision, she saw nothing once a weird guy walked in. She only caught the words overthrow and your name. I have to get you out of here."

"No. We need to tell Aro." I tell him. "If this does happen, we need to be strong in numbers. We can't just run from it. Never surrender."

Garrett sighs. "You're right. You speak like a queen, by the way."

I laugh. "Well, I sure hope I do considering that I'm the future Queen. Anyway," I turn serious. "We need to tell Aro."

I lead Garrett back to the throne room where the doors are opened by two guards who bow as I pass by. I acknowledge them with a bow of my head and locate Aro once I was inside.

"Ah, Amity!" Aro greets me as I walk to him. "How was your talk?"

"Eventful," I tell him and his brows raise. "Aro, can we go somewhere private with the Cullens and Garrett? Marcus and Caius need to come as well."

"Whatever for, dear?" he asks me.

"It's very important. We need to move somewhere private." I tell him.

He nods. "Very well. Follow me."

Aro gathers Marcus and Caius before we ascend upstairs through the hidden staircase to Aro's office. Aro throws open his office doors and gestures for everyone to sit down on the couches before resuming talk.

"Why were we interrupted from the ball, Aro?" Caius asks.

"The guests might think this of favoring a coven over another, Aro." Marcus says.

Aro looks at them. "Garrett has something that he wishes for us to know, brothers. The ball can wait." he looks towards Garrett. "What is it, dear patriot?"

Garrett looks at Alice. "Maybe it would be best if Alice showed you."

"Ah, dear Alice had a vision?" Aro inquires.

The pixie-haired girl nods. "I did. Let me show you. It concerns the vampire world." At those words, my mates perked up. Alice gives her hand to Aro, who quickly grasps it before his eyes glaze over. He releases it abruptly and looks at me before Caius and Marcus.

"Oh my..." Aro gasps.

"Brother, what is it?" Caius asks. "Well? Tell me, brother."

Aro licks his lips nervously. "It would seem we have an uprising against us."

Caius abruptly stands up. "Who?" he demands.

"Our dear predecessors, brother. Vladimir and Stefan, the Romanian Coven. They seem to have recruited?" Alice nods. "So, they have been recruiting. But dear Alice cannot see once a certain man enters the vision. It would see they have a strong mental shield that's able to block Alice."

"Yes, that's correct." Alice says. "I can see the vision clearly, but when he enters, I can't see anything nor hear anything. All I picked up before he entered the room was 'overthrow' and 'Amity.' If my vision is correct, then the Romanians are planning to overthrow the Volturi and do something that concerns Amity." 

Her Majesty (Volturi Kings)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon