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"There we go," Mrs. Valentini pulls out a large box from under the counter. "I assume you'll want to make sure it fits?"

I nod. "Yes, please."

The tailor nods and hands the box to me and I enter the changing room.

A month had passed since Jane, Chelsea, Heidi, and I all got measured for our ball gowns. During that time frame, my mates had also gone to get measured themselves, leaving me to do some of their work for a day until they returned.

I place the box down on the stool and open it. A gasp leaves my lips. It was absolutely beautiful. Stunning. Wonderfully sewn. It was pink and had floral patterns all over it with some shimmer. The dress reminds me of Aurora, just with floral and more shimmer. It was breathtaking. I take it out of the box and proceed to put it on.

When the dress is put on, I look at the mirror

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When the dress is put on, I look at the mirror. My light-blonde wavy hair compliments the dress' color. Though, I do feel remorse. I knew my red eyes that were hidden under the brown contacts would slightly ruin the image. That was one thing about having red eyes: it ruins light-colored clothing. Still, the dress was perfect. It fit perfectly as well.

I go to the cashier and place the box onto the counter. "I want it." I say.

Back at the castle, I sneak into my chambers and hide the box under my bed. I promised myself that I wouldn't let Aro touch my skin until the ball starts. He didn't know how I looked in the dress, only what the dress looks like.

The doors are thrown open and my mates walk in. "Amore, you have returned!" Aro says, bending to kiss my cheek.

I dodge and he looks at me funny. "I can't have you see the dress." I explain.

"I thought my brother already saw it?" Caius tilts his head.

I shake my head. "He only saw what it looks like, not what it looks like on me. Don't you even think about it, mister." I point my finger at Aro whose wheels were turning in his head. I knew he wanted to snatch my hand. "I'm banning you from physical contact for a week. You can only touch me again when I walk through the throne room doors with the dress on."

"Mia cara, I wouldn't dream of such a thing." Aro lies.

"Don't fool yourself, brother." Marcus says.

I chuckle. "Gift of judgement, remember?"

Aro smiles. "Pity. I so wanted to see it. Anyway," he claps his hands. "Want to accompany us to the gardens?"

"Actually," I say. "I want to spend some time alone with Caius."

"Ah, going to do your weekly run tonight?" Aro asks.

"Certainly." Caius says, grabbing my hand. "Let's go."

We run through the streets of Volterra into a nearby town. We stand on top of a roof watching humans leave shops to go home for the stores were closing for the night. I point to where a group of humans that are walking into an alley. Caius nods and pulls me with him as we glide over to the next roof and run on top of it to a good, hidden location where we can ambush our prey.

"Did you see the look on her face?" one of them cackles.

"Oh my gosh, it was so hideous! She's so ugly." one responds.

Bullies. That's what they were. I narrow my eyes angrily, clenching Caius' hand. I didn't have the patience for those who thought horribly of others just based on appearance. Caius nods and we swoop down on the ground.

"Hello," I walk forward tauntingly. The humans step back, pointing at Caius' and I's eyes. "Couldn't help but overhear your conversation."

"Your eyes! They're red!" one of them squeals.

I ignore them. "You know, they say never judge a book by its cover. The same goes with humans. Caius?" I turn my head towards Caius. "Shall we?"

"Most definitely, carissima."

Caius and I break the legs of two before pinning the other two to the wall and drain them. Their screams are cut short as they topple to the ground dead. We move in to the two injured humans before doing the same.

"Bravo, bravo!" claps sound the air. Caius shoves me behind him, snarling at the stranger. "They tasted good, no?"

"Who are you?" Caius growls. The stranger remains silent. "Well?"

"Don't need to be such an overprotective blondie, dude. I mean no harm. I'm here just to pass a message." the black-haired man raises his hands.

"Well? State your business and leave us!" Caius growls.

"Relax, dude. No need to get your knickers in a twist as the British saying goes. Four old friends of yours have asked me to relay a message to you, your brothers, and your lovely mate." his gaze lingers on me at the end and Caius moves himself to block me from view. "They're coming. They want revenge. Two want revenge from thousands of years ago. The other two you know personally. Perhaps you knew one of them more than the other. Very blonde. Shares the name of Dora the Explorer and Athena. Ring a bell? Anyway, here's what they said, and I quote, 'you better hold your dear mate of yours close. She won't be living on this earth for much longer. Or perhaps we'll keep her. Your reign is coming to an end, Volturi. Tick tock goes the clock. Tick. Tock.'"

Before Caius could lunge at him, the stranger is gone. His snarls are loud, and I rush to pull his head to my neck so he can breathe my scent, calming him.

"It's going to be okay." I whisper.

Caius weakly smiles. "We need to go. You're not safe here."

"Caius, it's fine. I'm not going anywhere." I reassure.

Caius snarls. "It's not fine!" he shouts. "They're coming after you. You're the primary target with our rule being the second. We have no choice."

"Who is they?" I ask.

"You've met two of them. Vladimir and Stefan. I am sure they are the ones who are orchestrating this. The other two are helping. They want revenge on Aro and I. The Romanians want revenge on the whole coven by regaining power." Caius tells me.

"And the other two?"

"Sulpicia and Athenodora. I'm sure of it. Come, we must head back. I'll explain who they are on the way back."


Carissima - dearest.

Mia cara - my dear.

Amore - love. 

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