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Short chapter, I know. There will be a longer one tomorrow. I am currently taking care of a kitten that my family found outside our house two nights ago. We are going to adopt her if the owner doesn't respond to the notice I put out for her by New Year's Day. 

Oh, I am so going to kill them. 

Vladimir, Stefan, Athenodora, Sulpicia, Gabriel, and Vector. 

I had enough of them. 

Like I had from the start to begin with. 

I had been taken into the throne room, dragged from Alex who was left to find his mamma on his own, and forced onto the ground. The conversation with the idiots was unpleasant. Threats, deals (I declined every single one,) and insults. But I guess that is what you get with peasants. 

They told me that tonight was the night. The night I would be returning home to Volterra. But I knew it wasn't just to release me from their filthy grasps, but to use me as leverage. 

I wouldn't go alone, either. No. The whole Romanian Coven and their minions were coming. Like an army. 

Because I couldn't be left unsupervised, I was forced to ride in the same car and plane as Vladimir, Stefan, and their wives. 

I also had found out that Alex was staying behind, which confused, but also relieved me. But a lingering question stuck in my mind: 

Why would they keep an immortal child away when the most popular reason to create an immortal child is to make an army of them? 

It didn't make sense. 

I was jumped out of my thoughts when two arms restrain me by the arms, dragging me to the outside. "We're here, Your Majesty." I snarl at Vladimir and he responds with chuckles. "It's time for your reunion with those kings of yours. I am sure your head will roll on the floor when you see them." 

I shake my head. "You're not going to get away with this, Vladimir, that I vow. And you want to know why you couldn't overthrow the Volturi, let alone have an easy task with getting rid of me?" 

"Oh, please do enlighten me." he rolls his eyes. 

I smirk. "Certainly." I look him dead in the eyes. "The Volturi not only rule the vampire world, but have the most powerful coven members, which some you know. Caius, Aro, Marcus, Jane, Alec, Felix, Demetri, Felix, Santiago, and much, much more. You're underestimating us, Vladimir. Do not take us lightly. And with me alone, I do need to remind you that I've been through wars, Vladimir. I know how to fight even if I appear to be the type that would be soft. There is a deadly side to me, Vladimir. Do not tread lightly." 

He laughs. "And that is why we take care of them, my dear." 

I look down and chuckle. "Oh, just keep telling yourself that. I will greatly enjoy the look of surprise on your face when your head is severed from your body. I might just save it." 

Vladimir scowls. "Enough talk. I am tired of this nonsense. It bores me." he looks at Vector. "Restrain and gag her. She's annoying." 

Vector nods, taking the handcuffs and a strip of duct tape. 

As Vector is handcuffing my hands, I tell Vladimir, "you're making a big mistake. I ask you to stop your plan right now.

He chuckles as if it was a joke. "Oh, you do make me laugh. Vector, hurry up and put that gag on." 

I struggle as Vector grabs me and after many struggles, he finally gets the tape on my mouth. I glare at him and at Vladimir. 

"Nice kitty." Vladimir taunts. 

I hold myself from lunging at him, knowing that is what he wants. 

That would be saved for later. 

I was put into another car and I realized where we were. Florence, Italy. We were close to Volterra. 

I only hoped that my mates knew that the attack was going to be soon. 

Her Majesty (Volturi Kings)Where stories live. Discover now