9. devil may care

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9. devil may care
"I know it shouldn't be. But you know me, pal, I'll take a dare."


Kim Taehyung walks with jazz in his step.

he's feeling especially lively in the early hours of a Tuesday morning. he skips with every step, arms ruffling each side as he fixes the collar of the blazer he slept in. he slept in the same clothes he's wearing and it wipes a contagious smile over his good looking face– people walk by, smiling back but why? because it's Kim fucking Taehyung.

nothing happened between him and Crema last night. it irks him deeply but the desire, challenge excites him more. yes, he tried to seduce her by pulling her into his arms and trying to kiss her by her front door. but the girl never gave in– he was surprised by her hesitance or was it desire? she's playing hard to get and he's willing to chase her.

Crema leans forward, surprising Taehyung as she takes one step forward. the one step brings her entire body align with his– emitting her soft warmth that creates a deep craving within the weak man. his hands remain close to her, ready to slip around her waist and pull her flush against his body. she's about to kiss him...

but her hand brushes past his hip to unlock her front door. after letting him stay the night, an unsuccessful night... she's kicking him out and not giving in to him. she smirks, stepping away.

Taehyung's eyes flicker upwards, licking his lips very slowly whilst she averts her gaze.

"i see." he clears his throat, moving a little closer. the power has slipped into his hands now as he tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "goodbye for now. have a pleasant day Crema."

Taehyung shakes his head now, she's a tease– a good one too.

all thoughts about Crema soon disappear. just another woman after all, he'll get what he wants sooner or later, even she knows that. he steps into a newspaper shop, leather, shiny shoes making clear steps with every move he makes. his presence is loud in the empty store and the worker suddenly perks up– attention now available. "oh wow, you're—" the middle aged, older man voices in wonderment.

"good morning." Taehyung adjusts his hat, dipping it down politely as he smiles close lipped– polite enough, classy enough. "it's a pleasure to meet you." he greets. it's seven am, he's in a good mood. Taehyung doesn't sleep much, he's not a huge fan. he's a workaholic. all the time he spends sleeping can be done working, he feels. so he only sleeps four to five hours each night, springing up awake in the morning to get on with his day.

"n-no it's my pleasure." the shop worker stutters, mesmerised by Taehyung walking around an environment he doesn't fit into. doesn't he have people to buy things for him? he simply walks around, observing items and casually conversing with a man that lives in a completely different world compared to him. "having a good morning sir?" he asks.

Taehyung remembers Crema then. he remembers him falling onto the arm of the couch when he thought she was going to kiss him the first time. how he came back to her apartment, expecting something after she put Gaia to sleep with a sweet goodnight. Taehyung couldn't help but sit, amused but sexually frustrated when Crema decided to talk to him instead– still making it obvious that she was clearly interested in him. "i had a good night actually my friend."

"can i have a pack of cigarettes?" Taehyung lands his feet finally at the front of the cashier desk. "and... thanks for asking. not a lot of people do." he says.

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