interview transcript #3

97 19 5

4:56 PM


INTERVIEWER: do you love him?

CREMA: do i? (thinks deeply as she looks away) i loved him. loved— past tense. but i had to stop loving him in order to set him free... to stop him from breaking my heart anymore

INTERVIEWER: (fires back with another reflection) right. i thought you guys weren't good for each other, that's what you said. so do you think he had to stop loving you too? do you think he ever loved you at all?

CREMA: (ignores the flash of pain that shoots through her body) we aren't, weren't... good for each other. we kept breaking each other apart because that's all we could do (laughs shakily) i break his heart he breaks my heart, it's just how we do things

INTERVIEWER: where's the logic in that?

CREMA: there is none. after all, we run on nature

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