30. love makes us whatever we want to be

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30. love makes us whatever we want to be
"Looking at the world from the peak of the peak. We're about to make us some history."


weddings are a special place.

Taehyung especially knows that. having been married himself, he knows the gratefulness, the immense joy and giddiness that goes through your veins. the whole day is a blur of happiness. he remembers looking at his wife— despite it being an arranged marriage, he hoped they would be spending the rest of their lives together. he hoped she'd be the face he woke up to every morning and went to sleep to.

but all of that is an illusion. it lasts for one day— the wedding. after a few months, he yearned for another woman's face, body and even mind.

his own thoughts and images about his first wedding play in his mind as he steps into the premises. today, he's attending his friend Oliver's wedding. he has mixed feelings but the good overcomes the bad. there's the fact that he's the most famous person there, that Crema and Yoongi are both accompanying him, that fellow mafia leaders— only he knows, are present and the fact that Oliver is marrying a white woman.

with Crema holding his hand, he feels the urge to reach over and kiss her. being at his friend's wedding has created the urge, the need to marry the woman he's growing to love more and more everyday. but he's afraid he's going to ruin it all again.

so he'd never bring it up and he knows that neither will she. they'll stay as the non marrying type and that's okay— he's fine with how they are.

his sudden yearning for Crema who's oblivious to his looks disappears swiftly. his focus has turned onto the reporters outside of the venue. they beam at him greatly— aware that they have his attention. he clenches his jaw, why are they disturbing a peaceful wedding? let a black man marry whoever the fuck he wants, he steps closer.

and Crema pulls him away, clicking her tongue.

Taehyung allows himself to be taken away, aware of Crema's hand in his and Yoongi's hand patting his shoulder. they enter inside and the first thing he does is approach Oliver, leaving his friend and lover.

Oliver beams, grin spreading over his lips. Taehyung ignores his verbal greeting and wraps his arms around his neck— squeezing his friend tight. "congratulations on your big day my friend."

Taehyung's friend squeezes him back, running a hand over the back of his hair. "thank you for coming. i appreciate it, you especially." and they smile at each other.

"the paps outside are getting on my nerves." Taehyung huffs now, adjusting the single hair that has fallen into his line of eyesight.

Oliver sighs, briefly waving at Yoongi and Crema who glance at him. Taehyung turns and looks at his loved ones— he can't help but smile, he's lucky. "don't let them get to you Tae, please." he's begging, Taehyung realises. before he can say anything in response, Oliver is taken away by a family member who shouts excitedly.

Taehyung turns swiftly at the sound of a camera flashing. he feels the sound and brightness of it from many steps away— his irritation grows further more. he pushes past Yoongi and Crema who are now oblivious to him. ignoring how it makes him feel, he approaches the crowds of flashy photographers and journalists— ready to speak his mind.

"get out of here. a wedding is taken place between two people— who gives a damn about the colour of their skin?" he says, aware that his voice is rising and guests have started to turn around. "i won't have you here degrading my friend." he already knows what the newspapers are going to write tomorrow- TAEHYUNG CALLS SOON TO BE MARRIED MAN HIS FRIEND.

the reporters listen and Taehyung feels happier, relieved. but when he turns around, it drops because Oliver seems disappointed— he shakes his head and before they can speak, the ceremony is beginning.

hours pass, Taehyung even performs and in the corner of the decorated venue, stands Yoongi and Crema— mirroring the way they were in the bar a couple of months ago. now, they know each other more and are close enough to be blunt and snarky with one another. it's a matter of two people having the same personalities.

"i feel bad for you." Yoongi says, drinking.

"why's that?"

"you're with someone who can't possibly care if you stay or not."

"what makes you say that?"

"i just think..." Yoongi speaks, clarity in his voice as if he's rehearsed words similar to what he's saying. but his brash, cool nature makes a person feel like he hasn't— that he's saying what's on his mind currently. "you should stay away from him."

Crema says nothing. she maintains eye contact with Yoongi, all whilst finishing the contents of her drink. he blinks, feeling a shiver run down his spine.

the woman walks away, shoulder slightly brushing against the older man before she takes a few steps towards Taehyung. Taehyung— too busy feeling sad by the look on Oliver's face, barely acknowledges her.

Crema remains unfazed, placing both her hands on either side of his face and attaching their lips together.

Yoongi continues to stare and his eyes blink when he watches Taehyung's arms— slow but tight, wrap around Crema's waist.

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