13. in the blue of evening

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13. in the blue of evening
"In the blue of evening when you appear close to me, dear one. There in the dusk we'll share a dream reverie."


Crema knows she belonged in the bar from the night before.

but tonight is entirely different. the atmosphere creates an odd, unfamiliar taste in her mouth and she wants to spit it out.

the young woman feels uncomfortable as she holds Taehyung's borrowed, black blazer over her shoulders. he's brought her to a dinner party and wow, it's exactly what she expected. sure, she slept fine last night but she's been overthinking about it all day. she blanked out Manab at work and barely said a word to Gaia when she picked her up from daycare. her confidence hasn't been doing well today.

coloured men serve the guests of the dinner party with silver plated, embedded trays. Crema stops one of them, striking up a conversation about very basic things– food, film and people. she wanted to talk to someone normal. the young boy spoke to her with fright in his eyes and she tried her best to ignore it. the more she treated him with ease and mundaneness, the more he relaxed. that was until he was called upon his duties.

mini sandwiches, champagne glasses and small, easy to pick food are strung among the guests. Crema wonders who each of them are– they ooze high class, richness and plain stupidity.

she doesn't understand why Taehyung even brought her here. she may be stupid but she's not this stupid. he also knows she doesn't fit in here and when she looks at him from across the room, she realises, he also doesn't fit in here. but the boy doesn't have a choice. this is what he dreamed of.

dreams do come with consequences. you just have to suck it up.

stylish men in tuxedos, gorgeous women in dresses– there's so much shine and colour. the men are reduced to the usual colours of black and white, leather shoes on their feet and Crema feels herself blending into them with her black, cheap dress.

her frizzy, large hair matches her dress, she didn't realise how unattractive it would appear. but when she visits the bathroom, her reflection in the mirror catches her off guard. her hips and bottom are defined in this dress– fuck what everyone else thinks, she looks great and the famous, brown eyed singer also thinks so.

isn't that enough?

arriving at the dinner hall where Taehyung has been called to perform was a movie dream. cameras flashing and eyes blinking. she felt content with her smooth arm linked with his, his side pressed to hers– warmth radiating off his broad shoulders, lanky arms and sharp jawline. she kissed him good, open mouthed and hard just as they were about to leave the expensive car. he told the driver to wait a second before he opened the door. Taehyung pressed his glorious, coarse fingers on the outside of Crema's dress– exactly where she needed him before leaving her wanting more.

just a movie dream for a fan of the movies, that's who she is after all.

people stay in their known groups at such dinner parties. everyone seems to know each other. when she, however, meets Yoongi's eyes– a man who also knows everyone, he's standing purposely away. he looks like an outsider too which is bizarre since this is his scene, this is his life– yet why does it make her feel much better?

she gives him a small smile, not expecting him to return the kind, friendly gesture. but surprise hits her when he briefly smiles back at her, pale finger moving a single, black curl out of his eyes. his hair matches Taehyung's today– just much darker and sleek.

then his smile drops and his head moves to gesture at something in the distance. his chestnut, darkened eyes also flicker to show what he has noticed. as he moves, his jaw becomes sharper under the low, white glow of the dinner hall. he grips his glass of alcohol, waiting for Crema to also see.

Crema swiftly turns her head to look at what Yoongi is referring to. what she sees immediately makes her look away. she catches Yoongi's undeniable smirk at her natural reaction, making the veins in her body bubble. she forces herself to look again.

this time, she stares. she stares at the worldwide star that's charmed his way into people's souls and women's panties.

singer Taehyung has his arm around a woman younger than her. her blonde hair tickles the side of his face and the smile on his face shows how much he's enjoying her company. she seems to feel the exact same way, sliding her hand around his waist and pulling him closer. they converse with many others.

Crema meets Yoongi's gaze again but he remains expressionless.

all thoughts about Taehyung's talented fingers from their car ride and how excited she was to watch him perform, sing and bump his hip, disappear like someone falling through thin ice. she leaves the dinner hall early, ignoring the food trays before summoning a taxi back to her apartment complex.

she stumbles onto her designated floor, slipping off her heels before she knocks at her neighbours home. the older woman holds Gaia securely– mentioning something about being back early. Crema takes her daughter, faking a large smile before thanking the lady.

Crema holds Gaia close, too close and the little girl starts to cry.

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